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28th Annual Beat the Heat 5k Road Race!

28th Beat the HeatJCC of Greater Orlando will be hosting a 5K walk/run on July 21st in Maitland, Florida. The designated course starts and ends at the JCC Maitland Campus, located at 851 North Maitland Avenue. The course is flat for the entire race and passes along Lake Sybelia for a great view as you run.

The race will be scored by Track Shack using ChronoTrack. When you pick up your race packet number, the ChronoTrack tag will be attached to the race number. Do not remove until just before the race. Instructions will be included with your race packet on how to attach the tag to your shoe. The ChronoTrack timing tag is disposable and will not be collected at the finish line.

You can sign up to participate at the JCC of Greater Orlando website, with registration at $20 before race day, and $25 on the day of the race.

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