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Sclerotherapy in Orlando

spider veinsAt our Orlando vein center, people often ask us, “Do you do those saline injections for spider veins?” If they’ve had the treatment in the past, their next comments are about how painful saline injections are and how inconvenient the aftercare is.

Today, we consider saline injections “old school,” although the actual procedure known as sclerotherapy remains the gold standard. Why not saline anymore? It’s simple: technology has provided more effective and advanced sclerosing agents that perform better than saline with little or no discomfort to the patient.

Spider Vein and Varicose Vein Treatment in Orlando

When searching for a vein treatment provider, it’s important to ask: “What solution do you use for sclerotherapy?” If a practice says they use saline, chances are they don’t do a lot of sclerotherapy.

What sclerosing solution should you look for? At Florida Vein Care & Cosmetic Center, we use Sotradecol and Polidocanol. Both are specifically compounded to act as a vein “sealant” through sclerotherapy injections. They provide superior results without burning or stinging. Hemosiderin staining, a common side effect of saline injections, is also mitigated with the use of these agents.

Sotradecol and Polidocanol cost more than saline because of their superior sealing properties, custom-compounding, and limited shelf-life. This is why you will not see Florida Vein Care & Cosmetic Center offering low-cost sclerotherapy sessions like those found on local coupon service sites.

Questions to Ask a Sclerotherapy Provider

When shopping for a sclerotherapy provider, ask these questions:

Do you screen clients with a Doppler exam to rule out venous insufficiency? (If you have leaky vein valves, your spider and varicose veins will come back after sclerotherapy.)

What sclerosing agent do you inject? (Look for superior agents such as Polidocanol and Sotradecol for the reasons stated above.)

Who performs the sclerotherapy and what certifications do they have?  (This treatment should always be performed by an MD, P.A.-C, or an ARNP.)

How long have you been practicing phlebology and are your injectors members of the American Academy of Phlebology?

Do you prescribe graduated compression therapy after treatment? (Any practice that does not send patients home in graduated compression stockings should be eliminated as candidates for your business.)

Before Your Sclerotherapy Session

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center Medical Staff

At our Orlando vein center, Medical Director Richard Bragg, MD, is Central Florida’s expert on sclerotherapy and venous disease and treatment. Dr. Bragg has been practicing for more than 17 years and trains other physicians on EndoVenous laser therapy (EVLT), the latest innovation in varicose vein treatment.

In practice since 1999, Madge Geohagen, P.A.-C  joined Florida Vein care & Cosmetic center in 2011. Both Dr. Bragg and Ms. Geohagen are members of the American Academy of Phlebology.

  • Bathe or shower first
  • Do not shave legs on the day of treatment
  • Do not apply lotions or creams on the day of treatment
  • Bring loose-fitting shorts to wear during the treatment
  • Bring compression stockings or be prepared to purchase them at our office ($60)
  • Bring loose-fitting pants to wear home after the procedure
  • Wear shoes that will accommodate the compression stockings
  • Eat a snack or light meal 1.5 hours before the appointment
  • Discontinue taking birth control pills one month before the treatment
  • For a full week before treatment, do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatories, blood thinners, gingko biloba, ginger, garlic, ginseng, vitamin E, ephedra, iron, or antibiotics
male body of nervous and digestive system artwork
Illustration of Male body with nervous and digestive system artwork

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center Sclerotherapy Packages

Single treatment: $425

Two treatments: $789 (must be used within 6 months of purchase date; includes Arnica supplement; package value $875)

Three treatments: $1,147 (must be used within 12 months of purchase date; includes compression stockings; package value $1365)

Four treatments: $1429 (must be used within 12 months of purchase date; includes arnica, grape seed supplement, and compression stockings; package value $1785)

How do I find out more?

Contact us to receive your personal physician consultation with Dr. Bragg or if you need more information.

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