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3 Worst Home Acne Treatments

Acne is a common issue among people of all different ages and genders. Some develop acne at a young age, while others don’t experience any signs of acne until much later in life. Regardless of when you develop it, one question everyone is asking is, “How do I get rid of it?”

There are hundreds of home treatments out there that seem to be acne solutions. The truth of the matter is that many of these are causing more harm than good. We are going to go over the worst home acne treatments, that we see people trying on a daily basis.

Acne Treatments You Should Never Try

1. Picking: This is an obvious one, but many people still refuse to believe it. Picking, popping, and pinching your pimples does not help you get rid of them. Doing so will increase the risk of scarring, and often results in pimples showing up in the exact same spot. Touching your pimples with your hands will also increase inflammation and the risk of infection, as pimples are open wounds.

2. Toothpaste: Toothpaste has been said to dry out pimples for years. In actuality, toothpastes today are made with tartar controlling ingredients that  provide food for bacteria which makes acne worse. Also, applying toothpaste to your face will cause irritation leading to red, inflamed skin, and itchy dry patches.

3. Neosporin: Because Neosporin is used as an antibiotic for cuts, many people assume it will also kill the bacteria that cause acne. Neosporin actually does not have the ability to do this, and will cause your pores to become clogged. Any “noticeable improvements” are actually just a result of the moisturizing nature of this product, which  may cause you to think your acne is looking better.

Prescription Skin Care

A real solution to your acne  is something only a medical practice can offer you. Retin-A is a prescription strength topical acne treatment. Unlike your every day, over-the-counter acne solutions, Retin-A is made for you. Depending upon your skin type and your acne, you will be prescribed the Retin-A that suits your specific needs. You will also be given a complete training on how to use Retin-A in order to achieve the best possible results. Along with your Retin-A you will be provided with a balancing cream that will soothe your skin, preventing redness or itching.

Florida Vein Care

Stop leaving the condition of your skin in the hands of generic skin care products, or damaging home remedies. Give your skin the care it needs with Retin-A. Not sure where to get Retin-A? Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center of Orlando offers Retin-A as a skin corrector.

Contact Florida Vein Care today to set up your first consultation. The Florida Vein doctor will determine which level of Retin-A s suitable for your skin type, and give you full instructions on how to properly use this skin care treatment. For more information, or to set up your first appointment, contact Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center today.

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