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4 Truths About Skin Care You Probably Didn’t Know

There are certain points of skin care that many of us consider to be “common sense”. We’ve heard over and over again that doing this or doing that is bad, and doing this or that is safe. However, have you ever stopped to wonder if the things that you consider to be truths, are actually myths?

It is important to actually KNOW the facts about skin care. Do not assume that what you know is truth, simply because you have heard it multiple times.

We are going to go over a few common, mistruths, about skin care. These are concepts people have thought to be true for many years, when in reality they are very damaging to the health of your skin.

Truths About Skin Care

1. Tanning that don’t have UVB rays are safe.

People have been saying for decades that it is vital to your health to lather up with sunscreen every day. The sun causes cancer and is very harmful to your skin. Okay, so high doses of sun exposure can be damaging to your health. This is true. What people have assumed to be the safe alternative, is false.

Many people think that because tanning booths don’t contain UVB rays, they are a safe alternative to getting tan and glowing skin. The truth of the matter is that tanning beds contain UVA rays, which penetrate even deeper in the skin and lead to premature aging, as well as skin cancer.

2. Scrubbing your face with soap will keep the acne at bay.

We often feel that we have acne because our skin is dirty, and the only way to get rid of it is to clean our skin. Like really clean it. This is untrue. Scrubbing your face depletes your skin of natural, protective oils and barriers. This leads to rashes and other skin irritations. The best thing you can do is to use a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer.

3. It’s good to get the pus out of pimples by popping them.

Although popping your pimples will get rid of the annoying white head currently staring you in the face. It causes a lot more harm than good. Much of the pus ends up going deeper into the skin, resulting in more inflammation and scarring, as well as spread of acne below the skin’s surface. It is critical that you do not pick at your pimples.

4. When it comes to facial cleaners, the more expensive, the better.

In the simplest terms, this is just untrue. The moisturizers and cleansers provided by the mass market are just as effective as those with the pricey name brand. Basically by purchasing an overly expensive cleanser or moisturizer, you are paying for a nicer package and possibly even a better smell. That’s all.

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center

For more tips and tricks about skin and beauty care, continue to follow the Florida Vein Care Blog.

Are you dealing with acne, or does the store brand sunscreen not work well enough for you? Florida Vein Care offers medical grade skin care and sunscreen that will provide your skin with exactly what it needs to stay healthy! For more information about Florida Vein Care of Orlando’s offers, visit today!

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