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5 Skin Problems Caused by Pregnancy

Pregnancy, as you know, has its beautiful aspects, and its not so beautiful aspects. Hunger, mood swings, trouble walking, trouble sitting, trouble tying your shoes, clothes stop fitting, shoes stop fitting, cramps, the not-so-glamorous list goes on and on. In this article we are going to speak specifically about issues that occur with our skin.

For anyone who has been, or is, pregnant, you know what we’re talking about. For anyone who is planning on becoming pregnant soon, this will be a helpful guide.

Why Is My Skin Changing?

These are some of the most common issues with skin, experienced by pregnant women.

1. Patchy Colors

A large percentage of mothers-to-be experience changes in skin pigmentation. This is due to the fact that your skin is producing extra melanin. Dark patches can appear on the face or other areas of the skin. If your skin is already of a darker nature, you may experience light patches instead. You may also notice that your moles and freckles are becoming darker. This tends to revert back to normal once your pregnancy is over.

2. Pregnancy Glow

This is a something we hear all of the time. But what does it really mean? Pregnant glow is in fact a real occurrence. During pregnancy your skin will retain more water which will cause your face to appear more moisturized, as well as causing wrinkles to be smoothed out as your skin becomes slightly plumper.

Increased levels of the hormone known as progesterone, along with the extra blood in your body is what gives your skin that pinkish, fresh looking appearance. This may also cause you to feel warmer and flushed.

3. Veins on Cheeks

During pregnancy it is quite common for tiny blood vessels in the cheeks to burst. These are also known as spider veins or naevi. For those who are already prone to spider veins, this is very common. In order to prevent this as much as possible, it would be wise to avoid extreme heat, and extreme cold. This effect should also fade after pregnancy, once hormone levels have reduced.

4. Acne

Yes, we said it. That dreaded word you thought you’d heard the last of once you graduated high school. Unfortunately, acne is a very common effect of pregnancy. High levels of hormones cause our skin to be acne prone due to increased sebum production.

A great way to prevent this is to wash your skin with a cleansing soap on a regular basis. If this causes your skin to become too dry, follow up with an oil free moisturizer. Lastly, always remove your makeup before bed.

Florida Vein Care

Have the effects of pregnancy lasted longer than you were expecting? Do you have veins on your cheeks, or acne that has yet to fade away? Florida Vein Care of Orlando can help. We will assess your skin to see which strength of Retin A would be most beneficial to you. We also offer skin care treatments that can be used to reduce veins in the cheeks. Are you interested in learning what Florida Vein Care can do for you? Contact our offices today, and be on your way to a more beautiful you.

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