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5 Ways Fresh Air and Exercise Will Improve Your Looks

All our lives we have been told that it’s important to go outside and get some fresh air. But why? In what ways does the air outside effect us, that the air inside doesn’t?

Studies have revealed that going outside to get fresh air and exercise actually has an impact on your looks. That’s right! There is more to exercise than just building muscle.

The information that we are going to share with you today, will have you outside and exercising on a daily basis.

How to Fresh Air Makes Your Beautiful

1. Skin Health

Exercising causes your cardiovascular system to rush newly oxygenated blood the surface in order to feed your muscles. That same high oxygen content blood will also work to plump up your skin, causing it to become thicker. This increased blood flow will also provide your skin with much needed nutrients, as well as carrying away the toxins.

#1 Plumper, thicker skin

2. Increased collagen production

As you exercise, your internal temperature will rise. This increased temperature works to increase collagen production, which improves your skin’s elasticity, and gets rid of lines and wrinkles. To sweeten the deal even more so, the sweat that you will eventually learn to love, actually helps to remove cellular waste, leaving you with a clearer complexion.

#2 More collagen, less wrinkles, clear complexion.

3. Healthy skin cell turnover

Aerobic exercise is going to become your new best friend. This style of exercise is a wonderful tool for creating healthy skin cell turnover. It is important that you have healthy cell turnover in order for old cells to be replaces by new ones. This results in a clean, smooth and even skin tone.

#3 Clear and smooth skin tone

4. Boosts sebum production

Exercise leads to an increased production of the sebum. You may be wondering what in the world sebum is. Sebum is a natural oil that our skin produces through the sebaceous glands. Sebum acts as a natural oil, maintaining our skin’s softness, and warding off creases and wrinkles. It is essential that our skin is producing enough sebum in order to have healthy skin.

#4 Soft skin

5. Provides your skin with fresh air

Oxygen is a necessity to the skin cell survival. The less oxygen your skin is receiving, the more vulnerable it will be to attacks by free radicals, and the more dull and aged it will appear.

The skin’s oxygen supply comes both from external and internal sources. Internally your blood carries oxygen to the skin. Externally oxygen is absorbed through the process of cellular respiration. Yes, just as it sounds, your skin does in fact breath. Heading out of the house for a walk in nature will provide your skin with fresh air.

#5 Fresh air needed for health

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center

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