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5 Best Leg Toning Exercises

Thanks to Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center of Orlando, you can have your spider and varicose veins treated. No more embarrassing marks means it will be time to start showing off those legs again!

We are going to share with you a few of our absolute favorite, leg toning exercises. By implementing these exercises into your daily routine, you will be on your way to toned and fit legs you can be proud of when you decide to bust out a pair of shorts!

Leg Exercises That Work

Here are a few of our top leg exercises for getting toned, beautiful legs.

1.  Pistol Squats

Stand holding your arms straight out in front of your body leveled with your shoulders, parallel to the floor. Raise your right leg off the floor, and hold. Move your hips back and lower your body as far as you can. Wait, then push your body back to the starting position.

2. Dumbbell Split Jump

Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length next to your sides, palms facing one another. Stand in a staggered stance, your left foot in front of your right. From a standing position, lower your body into a split squat. Quickly switch directions and jump with enough force to propel both feet off the floor. Repeat, alternating back and forth with each repetition.

3. Farmer’s Walk on Toes

Grab a pair of heavy dumbbells and hold them at your sides at arm’s length. Raise your heels and walk forward (or in a circle) for 60 seconds.

4. Reverse Dumbbell Box Lunge with Forward Reach

Stand on a 6-inch box or step, holding a pair of light dumbbells at your sides. Step backward into a lunge with your right leg as you lean forward at your hips and reach toward your feet. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

5. Marching Hip Raise with Ball

Lie faceup on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on a Swiss Ball. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Lift one knee to your chest, lower back to the start, and lift your other knee to your chest. Continue to alternate back and forth.

6. Goblet Squat

Hold a dumbbell vertically next to your chest, with both hands cupping the dumbbell head. (Imagine that it’s a heavy goblet.) Brace your abs, and lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position.

Florida Vein Care

For more tips and tricks on how to keep your body in tip top condition, continue to follow the Florida Vein Care blog.

Do you have cosmetic issues that you need taken care of? The medical staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center is equipped with years of knowledge and experience. We offer a wide range of services from vein treatments, to facials. To learn more about our offers, contact Florida Vein Care offices today.

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