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5 Reasons to Start Using Latisse®

eye-714503_1920We all know that Mother Nature isn’t fair. Some folks are naturally thin, while others have a life-long battle with their weight. Some faces never seem to age, and, yet, others seem to wrinkle and sag way before their time. Some people have beautiful thick, long eyelashes, and others have sparse and thin little stubs. Who’s to say you can’t fool Mother Nature? At Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center, we know that you, indeed, can beat her at her own game. With Orlando Latisse®, you can unleash the beautiful eyelashes that you have always wanted to have.

Here are five of the best reasons to start a Latisse regimen:


  • If you are embarrassed by the look of your eyelashes and use false lashes to enhance their appearance, you know how troublesome they can be. If you aren’t applying false lashes yourself, perhaps you invest your time and money to have a technician add false extensions lash by lash. Latisse eliminates the need for falsies and provides much longer lasting results.
  • Using Latisse is easy and the treatment is done in the privacy of your own home. You apply it as you would mascara, only with Latisse, you apply it at bedtime. No fuss, no muss, and no one knows. What they will notice is how beautiful your lashes are.
  • Research studies indicate that lashes treated with Latisse are over 106% fuller, 25% longer, and 18% darker. Some patients report seeing a difference in as little as two months with marked improvement in about 16 weeks.
  • Latisse is very affordable as compared to other cosmetic treatments and procedures.
  • With beautifully long, fuller, and darker lashes, you can pitch the eye makeup or at least the mascara. Go to the gym for a workout, run, and swim without the worry of mascara running down your face.


If you are displeased with the look of your eyelashes, help is just a call away. The expert staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center is waiting to help you weigh the pros and cons of using Orlando Latisse and to help you determine if it’s right for you. We will also discuss your expectation of the results of using Latisse. Complete our online contact form, or call us at 407-805-8989. You have nothing to lose and beautifully long and luxurious eyelashes to gain!


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