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What to Expect with Your Sclerotherapy Procedure

woman-1426435_1920(2)One of the most frequently performed procedures for the treatment of spider and varicose veins at Florida Vein Care is sclerotherapy. Dr. Richard Bragg leads the highly skilled and professional team who delivers the best in vein care at their vein clinic in Orlando where a variety of treatments for both spider and varicose veins are offered. The key to recommending what will be the most successful procedure for you is the accurate diagnosis of the scope and size of the diseased vessels.

Dr. Bragg explains: “Sclerotherapy is used for slightly larger spider veins and small varicose veins. It’s in these sized blood vessels that sclerotherapy provides the most relief.” So, what exactly is sclerotherapy? Sclerotherapy is a series of very small, almost infinitesimal, injections containing a sclerosing agent which is a painless solution that bathes the inside of the damaged vein. The liquid or foam injected causes the veins ultimately collapse. The vein is then reabsorbed by the body while new routes for circulation are developed naturally.

The sclerotherapy procedure is performed in an office setting with a local anesthetic. It usually takes 30 minutes for each session during which 50 to 70 veins can be treated. At the time of the injection, some patients report a feeling of mild cramping which resolves quickly. Compression stockings are prescribed to be worn for a minimum of one week following a treatment. If additional procedures are required for selected areas, these treatments can be scheduled three to six weeks after each procedure. It is recommended that patients do not engage in strenuous activities or aerobic exercise for the week following a treatment.

Prior to your treatment, it is recommended that you bathe or shower but that you do not shave your legs on the day of. Do not use lotions or creams or spray lotions on your legs on the day of the procedure. Aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory medication, blood thinners and other medications or herbal supplements are to be stopped one week before sclerotherapy. You will be provided with a comprehensive list at the time your procedure is scheduled. Try to eat a light meal or snack about 1 ½ hours before arriving at our office.

Your vein health is the number one priority at our vein clinic in Orlando. The only way to determine the severity of your spider or varicose veins and determine which treatment option is right for you is to be examined by an experienced vein care specialist. Call now and schedule your consultation with Dr. Bragg and the amazing staff at Florida Vein Care at 407-805-8989.

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