Susie Bragg RN, BSN

“Florida Vein Care & Cosmetic Center” was started by Dr. Bragg and his wife Susie in part because of Susie’s disdain for spider veins! After working as a nurse for long shifts in the hospital, Susie developed spider veins on the outside of her thighs and was determined to eliminate them. Dr. Bragg was in medical school at the time and began to study the field of Phlebology at Susie’s request. She has always been an integral member of the staff at Florida Vein Care & can often be spotted in the reception rooms visiting with clients. Susie holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Kennesaw State University and worked as a nurse injector at the practice for several years. Today her primary role is leading educational seminars for Svelte Medical Weight Management which is another Bragg medical practice about metabolism, weight management, and lifestyle transformation.
Empowering people to transform their health through teaching them about metabolism is the most gratifying job I've ever had.
SusieBragg RN, BSN