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Jessica Lost 61 Pounds With Svelte!

Hi, my name is Jessica. I’ve lost 61 pounds with Svelte. I heard about it from a friend, who looks fabulous also. They just have a really supportive staff here and make you feel good about your goals. And now I can try on wedding dresses and get ready for my wedding coming up. It’s hard losing weight after having a baby when you’re really busy. So it’s just a great program here. I’d recommend it to anybody.

Congratulations Jessica, on your amazing transformation!

And if you would like to know more about the Svelte Weight Loss Plan, Contact Us today!

Reducing Obesity in Central Florida Kids

ROCKChild obesity is a large concern for many parents in Central Florida. Eating healthy and being active are the primary methods to keeping kids fit and allowing them to maintain healthy habits for the rest of their lives. That is the goal of ROCK, a regional consortium that is joining organizations with families and kids in an effort to prevent, reduce and eliminate childhood obesity and promote healthy choices. Continue reading “Reducing Obesity in Central Florida Kids”

Diets for Kids?

Wii FamilyCarmen Stacier, Chief Mom at poses an interesting question to parents: “Should You Put a Child on a Diet?” Her short answer is, yes. Here’s what she means:

I’m not advocating starting your eight year old in the Weight Watchers plan, packing the lunchbox with Slim-Fast shakes and enrolling your daughter in a prepared meal plan. I’m also not advocating counting calories with your child, focusing on the number on the scale, or instructing her on weighing out her meals. Rather, I want to talk about helping your child to be healthy, and in some cases, this does mean keeping an eye on her weight.

She first considered putting her 6-year-old daughter on a diet after a pediatric checkup. “Rather than ignoring the reality of a child getting heavy in the name of letting your child relax and enjoy their childhood, I think it’s a far more realistic approach to begin healthy habits.” Portion control and indoor fitness activities, such as the Wii, has helped Carmen teach her daughter healthier habits.


Learn The Truth About Weight Loss

weight lossMany people have a variety of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. For many in Orlando, we find that we hear a variety of old wives tales, different stories on how people lost the weight and kept it off, but generally, these do not hold true. It does not matter if you mean to go through an intensive training program or if you plan on seeking out Orlando medical weight loss, you?re going to hear some of these, and quite a number of them can be debunked rather easily. It won?t do you much good to hold onto things that just aren?t true when it comes to your own personal weight loss journey. Continue reading “Learn The Truth About Weight Loss”

Lose Weight Without A Diet

weight lossWhen you think of summertime in Orlando two words probably instantly spring to mind:? “hot” and “humid”.? Yes, Florida exemplifies the classic characteristics of a humid subtropical climate.? The blistering heat combined with the heavy, damp air can be pretty uncomfortable for even the most heat-tolerant individuals.? For those who are overweight, the hot and humid Floridian summers can be almost unbearable.? If you are overweight and living in or near Orlando medical weight loss can be your solution to beating the discomfort of summer. Continue reading “Lose Weight Without A Diet”

Work That Fat Off

weight lossComing into the summer season, many in Orlando and everywhere else are looking into new ways to get fit and get into shape. Whether you are looking at a weight loss plan on your own or perhaps having a look at Orlando medical weight loss, there are so many options out there it can be a bit baffling. However, one key component of any weight loss plan seems to be motivation. How do you keep the motivation to keep with whatever plan you are working with?

There are very few things that people have as much in common with when it comes to weight loss as motivation. Staying motivated is hard, particularly because weight loss is a process that takes time. You have to really have a tenacious attitude if you want to see the real results. Most people know how to lose weight, but it can be most difficult to continue on the path you?ve set out for yourself and stay motivated. There are a few key factors in this, and ways to help encourage your own weight loss plans. Continue reading “Work That Fat Off”

Medical Weight Loss For Floridians

weight lossObesity is a major problem in America.? The medical community has known for many, many years that excess body fat puts a person at risk for major health problems.? Obesity can significantly lower your quality of life and your life expectancy.? Orlando medical weight loss specialist have made it their mission to help Floridians combat obesity.

Nowhere is weight loss more important than in the subtropical climate of Florida.? The heat and humidity that are typical of Florida deliver a one-two punch to those carrying even a little bit of extra weight.? Being overweight in Florida is more than just a health risk, it can have a massive impact on all aspects of your life – from what activities you can comfortably engage in to how often you leave the comfort of your air-conditioned home.

Unfortunately, it is a lot easier to talk about losing weight than it is to actually do it.? In fact, losing weight can be one of the hardest things that a person ever does.? Because it is so difficult, there is a major temptation to try to take short cuts.

Sadly, there are not safe short cuts to weight loss.? Crash dieting is unhealthy and ineffective.? Most of the weight lost is water weight.? The actual body fat that is lost usually comes back quickly after the diet is stopped.? This leads to the need for repeat or yo-yo dieting which can lead to major health problems.

Crash diets simply are not effective.? Neither are weight loss pills.? Why?? Because once you stop the weight comes back.? This happens because you haven’t addressed all of the causes of obesity, you have only addressed the symptom: excess body fat.

Only medical weight loss programs can teach you how to effectively lose weight and keep that weight off for the rest of your life.? Medical weight loss is a multifaceted approach to weigh loss that addresses the immediate issue of losing weight as well as the long-term issue of making the lifestyle changes necessary to stay fit and healthy for years to come.? For those in the Orlando area, Orlando medical weight loss specialists are dedicated to meeting the specific needs of Floridians battling obesity.

Losing weight is too important to risk failing at.? Every year you continue to live overweight is a year you put yourself at unnecessary risk of heart disease, diabetes and other life-threatening medical problems.? Orlando medical weight loss clinics are open to help Floridians conquer their weight issues effectively and safely.

Orlando medical weight loss specialist can teach you how to eat right instead of eating less.? They can teach you how to make simple lifestyle changes that will help you live healthier and keep the body fat off.? Most of all, they can offer the encouragement and support you need to beat obesity.

No one should have to face such an important task alone.? Orlando medical weight loss professionals are dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier lives.? Don’t suffer through another hot and humid summer carrying extra weight.? Don’t risk another fad diet.? Contact your local Orlando medical weight loss professionals to find out how you can finally lose those extra pounds for good.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Casselberry, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Losing Weight Is Fun

weight loss dietMany who seek out Orlando medical weight loss are also looking for ways to boost their routine and make weight loss fun. Here are a few great ideas so that your weight loss activities don?t end up boring. Make sure you move on out of your comfort zone, give something new a try and you will find that weight loss can be a great deal more fun- specifically in the Orlando area where there are many great activities you can try.

Have you ever watched kids playing and having fun? The things they do don?t seem like such a chore because they are having fun. Children at play are a great example of how to have fun and get fit- because they just do it naturally by having fun and this gets their daily activities needs met. Running is an excellent way to lose weight, especially if you have kids to play with as well. Run, climb, squat and have a great time burning calories while you reach your fitness goals. You might also try challenging a friend to a game- tennis, soccor, basketball, pretty much any sport you choose is going to be a fun, friendly way to compete but also to lose weight.

Having a picnic at the park can also be a great way to lose weight. Packing healthy foods and walking through a park or a beach to find just that perfect spot can be a great calorie burner, particularly if you follow up with a bike ride, a swim or even more walking.

Try Zumba! Zumba is quickly catching on as a fun way to lose weight by dancing your way to better health. Beginners courses make this new, fun cardio work out a breeze to learn and classes generally advance as you grow in skill. There are also numerous walking clubs that you can join, or even sign on for a charity walking event. If you don?t feel comfortable dancing in front of others, you can always just turn up the radio or a cd and dance at home. This is both a great way to improve your mood and help you stick to a great activity for healthy weight loss.

Hiking is another great activity that is both fun and fit- the newest craze of geocaching turns a hike into a fun, fast paced treasure hunt that can be done with groups for added fun. This takes the focus away from the exercise itself and makes the trip seem eventful and exciting. You usually walk for several hours and before you know it the day is done and you?ve burnt twice as many calories than if you had stayed at home to do it on a treadmill.

Reward yourself. At the end of a day of great activity, have a nice long soak in a hot bath and congratulate yourself on being fit and active. It?s important to keep your motivations up in any weight loss plan, particularly if you are taking on activity after having lived a sedentary lifestyle.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Oviedo, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Eat Smart and Lose Weight

weight loss mealsDon?t worry about short term weight loss when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. If a diet pushes your body into starvation mode, you will find that it is not your long term solution. There are a number of places in Orlando where you can find good advice and support in your journey to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss that lasts is only done in a well planned, well supported way.

Reducing your fat intake is the first step, adding a simple plan for activity in your daily life will help even more. Your body can then begin to burn the fat that it has stored and you will then see your health begin to improve. Start considering things in different terms, and stop thinking about things as ?diet? or otherwise negative implications- begin to think about solid, more positive life style changes instead.

Once you begin to think about reducing the fat in your diet, and burning it as well, there are a variety of resources around for weight loss that can help you. Find our what your daily recommended allowance for fat is going to be so that you can research more effectively. Then begin thinking in terms of counting things- you don?t have to do this excessively but be mindful of what your intake is, and where you want it to be. Here are a few great foods to bring into your diet so that you aren?t feeling deprived and hungry, but rather, choosing healthier, leaner options:

  • pasta, rice, reduced fat granola
  • whole meal, high-fiber, assorted bread and rolls
  • fruit and vegetables
  • sorbets, low-fat ice-cream and fat free yogurt
  • jams, jelly, marmalades, maple syrup and honey
  • low-fat and skim milk products
  • assorted cereals avoiding toasted muesli
  • popcorn (air-popped)
  • oatmeal
  • white fish and shell-fish
  • chicken breast and low-fat cuts of red meat
  • canned baked beans and spaghetti
  • tomato, soy, barbecue sauces and vinegar

By utilizing lower fat, leaner foods you will find that your weight loss journey is a whole lot easier for you- there is no need to deprive yourself, just try something different, and exercise a little portion control. Hydration will also help you to make sure that your body is using the nutrients you are taking in more effectively as well.

Remember that there are a wide variety of resources both online and off to help you reach your weight loss goals. You can find any manner of fat counters, dietary fat intake guides and other information out there which will make your road much easier. Keep track of your weight loss in a diet diary, and be sure to begin with your diet prior to making the changes, detailing your information as you make changes. This will enable you to pay attention and see your goals begin to manifest, keeping you organized and on track as you work towards a much healthier you.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Lake Mary, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Don't Workout In The Summer

weight loss planFor many in Orlando, spring and early summer time are fantastic times to begin a new cardio work out. The weather is balmy, but then, the hotter weather may be problematic- training safety is a must for any cardio program for weight loss. Even slight exercise in hot weather can result in dehydration so this is an important factor to take into account in your weight loss plans, particularly if you mean to bring on some outdoor cardio into the mix. Understanding that dehydration can occur when ever someone?s fluid loss results in weight loss- 1-2 percent depending on body weight. Fluid loss of more than three percent will result usually in some of the more serious heat related illnesses.

First, it is important to know the signs of dehydration: dizziness, headache, nausea, weakness, thirst and irritability are just the main signs, and most who are following an outdoor cardio plan during the summer months can avoid this by replacing the fluid they lose while working out. Water is a very vital part of any weight loss plan, anyway, so, keeping hydrated is important for both of those reasons. Make sure that you are drinking cool but not cold beverages around 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.? This will not only help keep hydrated but help to maintain proper electrolyte balance. Remember to drink at least fifteen to twenty ounces of water about two hours before your work out, and then about ten minutes prior to beginning, drink another six to ten ounces. If your work out lasts a while, be sure to drink about six to ten ounces every ten or fifteen minutes until your work out is over.

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all major concerns of those engaging in work outs during the summer months. Heat cramps are the least serious, mainly caused by fluid and electrolyte loss. These are sharp pains in the muscles that don?t diminish with time. Once you have heat cramps, it?s important to stop what you are doing and begin fluid replacement, cool down and get out of the sun. Heat exhaustion shows up as a rise in body temperature, followed by vomiting or nausea, dizziness and a headache. If you do not hydrate yourself, heat exhaustion can get worse, where a lack of coordination, cramps, and heavier sweating may be seen. Untreated heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, which is a life threatening condition which will require immediate medical attention. Tiredness, weakness, strange behavior, disorientation and confusion are the initial symptoms, which may be followed by unconsciousness. Heatstroke is where the system that monitors the body?s temperature fails, sweating will stop and the skin may be warm and dry.? Coma, seizures and death can occur if this is left untreated.

Be sure that in your weight loss plans if you are working out during the day, or out of doors, you are very careful to maintain proper hydration and avoid overheating yourself. This will enable you to avoid these complications.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Plymouth, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

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