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The Difference Between Xeomin® & Botox®

girl-1289422_1920If Ponce de Leon had indeed located the Fountain of Youth, what a world this would be.  Alas, he did not find that miraculous cure for aging, and our bodies will age despite our best efforts to keep the process at bay. The appearance of small lines or wrinkles around your nose, known as glabellar lines, are typically the first signs of aging to appear on the face. They are also referred to as frown lines. You may have tried to reduce the look of these lines through creams, serums, and ointments flooding the market only to be minimally successful or not at all.. Orlando Botox® or treatment with Xeomin® might just be the remedy you seek, providing you with better and longer lasting results. Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center offers several treatment options for helping your skin appear more youthful and radiant.

A consultation with Dr. Bragg and his amazing staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center is the first step to take in deciding whether or not Xeomin or Botox is the right treatment option for you. It’s important for you to know the difference between each treatment option.

  • Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) was approved by the FDA in 2002 for aesthetic use and has since been providing excellent results for patients worldwide. Botox has an additional protein attached to its molecular structure which protects the stability of the toxin. Side effects are minimal for most patients. Botox requires refrigeration and should only be administered by a medical professional who has been trained in its administration.
  • Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) was approved in 2010 by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe glabellar lines (frown lines) as mentioned above. Xeomin is produced from the same bacterium that causes botulism. Xeomin does not require refrigeration and does not have an attached protein to its molecular structure. The current school of thought is that with the injection of Xeomin the risk of bad reactions is reduced because of the missing protein.

Xeomin and Botox are frequently used interchangeably as both are made from the botulinum toxin A, which produces the temporary paralysis of the facial nerves causing those nasty little wrinkles.

Dr. Bragg and his skilled staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center will help you determine if you’ll be a successful candidate for either Xeomin or Botox treatments. We will help you explore the pros and discuss your expectations and goals. You’ll learn about possible side effects which are typically minimal. We invite you to complete our online contact form, or call us at 407-805-8989, to take the first step to discovering what Orlando Botox or Xeomin can do for you!

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