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Does This Florida Cold Affect Vein Health?

frost-1149002_1920Let’s face it; the 2016 Florida winter has had longer cold snaps than we’ve experienced in many years. The winds seem to be more blustery and biting, and many of us have no desire to venture outside for long periods of time. There are those who absolutely love this temporary change in the thermometer but don’t understand why they feel different. Many start to notice the appearance of spider or varicose veins at this time of the year. If you fall into this category, then the staff at our Orlando vein clinic has the answers you seek.

Cold weather causes our blood vessels to constrict which reduces blood flow throughout the body and, of course, to the heart. Reduction in blood flow consequently reduces the amount of oxygen circulating through your body and results in the heart having to work harder. The risk of developing spider or varicose veins is increased when these cold weather events occur and the circulatory system is negatively impacted.

Usually compounding the effect of colder weather is accompanying lethargy. Generally, we don’t exercise as much during the winter months. We seem to opt for binge watching television shows, catching up on reading, and enjoying time by the fireplace. Weight gain is more likely to happen during this time of the year and our muscles tend to weaken due as a result of the couch potato status. Those additional pounds, even just a few, add stress to the circulatory system and further increase the risk of developing spider or varicose veins.

There are things that you can do to reduce the possibility of developing spider veins or varicosities during the winter.

  • Start your day by doing slow and easy stretches to help your muscles get moving.
  • Watch your dietary intake and be sure to eat foods high in fiber to aid in circulation.
  • Massage your legs and ankles, or even better, go for regular massages to relax muscles and improve blood flow.
  • Whenever possible, elevate your legs above your heart level for 30 minutes or more.
  • Reduce stress wherever possible, and employ deep breathing techniques to improve oxygen flow.

If you are worried about the appearance of spider or varicose veins and don’t know what your options are, please contact our Orlando vein clinic and come in for a consult with our expert staff. Your vein health should not be taken for granted. Call Florida Vein Care today at 407-805-8989, or complete a contact form online.

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