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Facial Massages For Younger Looking Skin

There are many things that we can do every day to keep our skin youthful and plump. Applying sunscreen, moisturizer, cleansing, the list goes on and on. However, there is one thing that we wouldn’t typically think to do on our own, that provides serious benefits to the skin. That thing is a facial massage.

When we think of facial massages, we rarely think of doing them ourselves. However, the truth is, we can, and should be massaging our faces on a regular basis. Doing so will result in younger, and healthier skin.

Today we are going to share with you, a few facial massage techniques that you can try on yourself at home!

DIY Facial Massage

1. Chin Definition

Using both hands, position your fingertips on your chin, and place your thumbs beneath jaw. Now begin to inch toward each earlobe using small circular movements.

2. Tighten Your Cheeks

Using both hands, press palms underneath cheekbones and work in circular movements from ear to nose. This type of facial massage is excellent for toning cheek muscles.

3. Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Using both hands, place two fingers on each side of nose and sweep them from inner to outer corners of eyes. This is a wonderful trick for clearing fluids from beneath the eyes.

4. Relieve Forehead Tension

Using both hands, press forefingers and middle fingers above eyebrows and make small circular movements all the way up to hairline. This will relieve any built up tension in the forehead, that would otherwise result in lines and wrinkles.

5. Tension Reliever

Warm one pump of your facial moisturizer between fingertips. Work it over the face and forehead using small, firm, circular motions. Now use your knuckles to make small, circular motions along and under the jaw and beneath cheekbones. Apply a slightly deeper pressure here. This is a wonderful trick for helping muscles all over the face to relax.

Florida Vein Care

Did you find these tips to be helpful? Continue to follow the Florida Vein Care blog for more interesting insights.

Are you past the point of massaging to keep lines and wrinkles at bay? Have you noticed a loss of volume in your cheeks? Florida Vein Care of Orlando is now offeringJUVÉDERM VOLUMA XC. This is a injectable gel used for promoting younger looking skin, by adding plumpness to your cheeks. Are you interested in learning more about what this product could do for you? Contact Florida Vein Care of Orlando today and be on your way to beautiful, and youthful skin.

We are now offering limited time savings on JUVÉDERM VOLUMA XC. Take advantage of this offer while it lasts by calling our offices today!

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