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FAQ About Sclerotherapy for Varicose Veins

What is sclerotherapy?


Sclerotherapy is a form of vein treatment in which a solution is injected into a varicose or spider vein. The solution causes the vein to collapse and seal. It shrinks, disappears, and is eventually absorbed by the body. Depending upon the location of the vein, the specialist may use ultrasound guidance. Sclerotherapy sessions generally take between 15 and 20 minutes.

Does sclerotherapy always work?


Almost every patient who has sclerotherapy sees good results from the procedure. In many cases, veins disappear completely three to six weeks after the treatment. (More than one session may be necessary.)

Is it safe to seal veins?


Because varicose veins harm circulation, it is beneficial to have them treated. The blood within varicose veins travels in the wrong direction, adding a great deal of stress to the veins. By eliminating venous congestion, circulation improves.

How many treatments does it take to make the veins disappear?

The number of treatments needed to achieve lasting results varies according to the number, size, and severity of the affected veins. Our typical sclerotherapy client needs three to four sessions for complete disappearance of their veins.

What are the side effects?


Not every individual who has sclerotherapy in Florida experiences side effects. However, the following side effects are possible:

  • Itching
  • Transient hyperpigmentation, or light brown streaks on the skin
  • Sloughing or blistering at the injection site
  • Allergic reactions
  • Short term development of new tiny blood vessels in the area where the varicose vein was treated
  • Moderate pain at the injection site
  • Ankle swelling

Will I need to take time off work for recovery?


Most people can go back to work the day after the procedure.

What if I avoid treatment altogether?


Opting to avoid treatment for varicose veins generally isn’t the best idea. Larger varicose veins can lead to thrombosis or phlebitis which can lead to pulmonary emboli. Ulcerations around the ankles can develop if varicose veins are large, have been there for a long time, and have underlying insufficiencies.

What are my alternatives to sclerotherapy?


Other possible treatments include endovenous laser treatment, vein microsurgery, laser treatment, ambulatory phlebectomy, and ultrasound guided injections.

Does Florida Vein Care provide sclerotherapy treatment?


Yes. Sclerotherapy is one of our most frequently performed procedures for the treatment of spider and varicose veins. Dr. Richard Bragg leads a highly skilled medical team at our vein clinic in Orlando performing sclerotherapy and other vein treatments.




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