The aging process can affect us in ways that we’ve never heard or thought of before, and thinning eyelashes are one of those issues we simply don’t anticipate. Just as with the hair on the rest of your body, your eyelashes will grow and eventually fall out. As we age, eyelashes can fall out in greater quantity, some not being replenished, leaving us with thinner-looking lashes. Dr. Bragg and the staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center are here to help you identify the problem and offer a solution that might be right for you, such as Latisse®.
Latisse was developed after glaucoma patients and their physicians began noticing that the eyelashes were growing longer, darker, and appeared to be lusher after extended treatment of glaucoma with an eye drop medication named bimatropost. It’s unknown how the medication was responsible for this side effect, but studies have proven that the growth period for the lashes treated is extended and the amount of lashes that grow are increased in individuals using the specially-formulated Latisse.
Latisse is available by prescription only. Studies have shown that daily use of Latisse for approximately two months results in longer, darker, and thicker eyelashes in patients who have been diagnosed with hypotrichosis (inadequate eyelashes), and those diagnosed with the auto immune skin disease, alopecia areata,which is a condition that results in hair loss not only on the scalp but on other parts of the body, which can include the eyelashes.
Using Latisse is very simple. It is a topical application that is brushed onto the lash line of the upper eyelid. It is not intended for use on the lower lid. Patients using Latisse should follow their physician’s orders completely, and develop a routine of applying it at the same time each evening. Changes should be noticeable in about two months.
As with all medical cosmetic treatments, there are potential side effects that may result from using Latisse. All of your questions and concerns will be addressed during your consultation with the staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center. When you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will eventually return to their pre-treatment status.
If you’re one of the thousands of people concerned about the appearance of your eyelashes, please talk to the expert staff at Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center. We are here to help you weigh the pros and cons of using Latisse and help you determine the options that are best for you. We will also discuss your expectation of the results of using Latisse. Complete our online contact form, or call us at 407-805-8989. You have nothing to lose and beautifully long and luxurious eyelashes to gain!
Contact us to receive your personal physician consultation with Dr. Bragg or if you need more information.
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580 Rinehart Rd Suite 110, Lake Mary, FL 32746
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