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Spider Veins, Varicose Veins…Which Type of Vein Care is Right For You?

Are you living with spider or varicose veins? The majority of women, and even some men, will begin to notice veins on their legs appearing with age.

Thankfully, with the level of technology in today’s world, we no longer have to accept living with veiny legs. There are a number of procedures available, with the capabilities to remove veins regardless of their severity. Whether you have small spider veins or large varicose veins, there is a solution.

What are Spider and Varicose Veins?

In order to know which procedure will be right for you, you must first know which type of veins you are dealing with.

Spider Veins: Spider veins are small blood vessels. They are typically red, blue or purple in color and lie just beneath the surface of the skin. Thy are described as “spider veins” because of their resemblance to a spider’s web or legs.

Varicose Veins: Varicose veins are also near the surface of the skin but are distended and filled with blood. The pooling of blood in varicose veins is caused by malfunctioning valves in the veins. Valves are meant to keep blood flowing forward. When they stop functioning properly, blood begins to flow backward, hence, pooling. These veins are most easily recognized by their protrusion from the skin.

What are the Treatment Options?

As stated previously, there is a variety of vein treatment methods used today. The treatment you receive will depend upon the type and severity of the vein. Here are a few of the available options:

  • Sclerotherapy: This type of procedure is used for larger spider veins or small varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is the process of injecting a painless solution, into the damaged veins. The solution then fills the inside of the vein and causes it to collapse. Fifty to seventy veins can be treated in one thirty minute session.
  • Endovenous Laser: This process is used in treating large varicose veins. The procedure entails, one 3mm incision made on the inside of the knee and a laser fiber being placed inside the vein up to the groin. As the fiber is removed, the heat from the laser will seal the vein.
  • Vein Microsurgery: This type of surgery is used for treating varicose veins which are too large to be handled through sclerotherapy. Vein microsurgery uses 2mm holes made in the skin every 3-5 inches to tease the vein out.
  • Ambulatory Phlebectomy: This process is appropriate for large varicose veins and is referred to as a modernized form of vein stripping. Patients undergo local anesthesia while 3mm incisions are made where the vein is removed from. No stitches are required for this method.
  • Laser Treatment: If you are dealing with facial veins this is the treatment for you. A KTP Aura Laser is used to pass through the top layer of skin without causing any damage. The laser heats the vein, causing it to be sealed shut. This process typically requires between one and three treatments.
  • Ultrasound Guided Injections: This treatment is used on small varicose veins that have a feeder vein beneath them. Because the smaller varicose vein is covering the larger one, an ultrasound is used to guide the needle into the feeder vein. The vein is then injected with a foam or a liquid that cause it to collapse.

Are you tired of covering your legs because you’re embarrassed of your veins? You don’t have to live with this problem any longer. All of the vein care methods listed above are offered at Florida Vein Care of Orlando, contact them today to figure out which treatment is best for you.

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