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Why I Started Botox® Sooner Than Later

In 1998, the first time I tried Botox®, I remember my older sister giving me a hard time about it.  “I’m just gonna grow old naturally and I’ll never resort to injecting needles in my face!” I’ve always been more vain than she so I didn’t expect her to agree with my decision to have Botox®, but I never predicted what she would say about 12 years later! In 2010, our family had a reunion, and I’m chatting with my big sister about everything under the sun when she stops me and says “I’m 11 months older than you, but I look at least 10 years older.” She is studying my face searching for the creases she sees on her own face wondering where mine are. “Botox!” I proudly blurt out with a laugh!

So, if it’s a three-month long effect, how come it was able to stop aging in its tracks?  The answer is simple. If you don’t sit on a sofa for 12 years, it doesn’t get any wear and tear does it?  Similar with facial creases…if the muscles beneath the skin are weakened and cannot cause creases, the skin on top is “preserved” in a sense. My face is not as creased because I’ve been using Botox regularly for over 16 years now. FDA-approved neurotoxins like Botox® & European-born Xeomin are both excellent anti-aging treatment options because they pose almost zero health risk combined with very effective crease deterrent (anti-aging) effect at a reasonable cost. Understanding how neurotoxin works may alleviate concerns for many who fear this treatment as extreme or dangerous which it is neither.

The neurotoxin works by inhibiting the re-uptake of neurotransmitter in the muscle junction.  When this blocking of acetylcholine occurs in the muscle, the muscle is weakened and unable to contract to it’s fullest strength which protects the skin on the surface from creasing damage. Static creases or lines on the face are ones that can be seen all the time whether you are asleep or awake; static creases are just there! Dynamic creases are lines that are only visible with expression, and these are the creases neurotoxins can stop. In fact, long-term treatment of facial dynamic creases will result in less and less Botox required. It’s sort of like if you don’t go to the gym, your muscles get weaker. If you are not contracting certain muscles often, they will not need as much neurotoxin to overcome their ability to contract.

The face is full of highly sophisticated muscles that allow us to emote endless facial expressions. True facial aesthetic artists like Dr. Bragg and his P.A.-C Madge Geohagen will offer the most natural Orlando Botox or Xeomin look with the best results for your anti-aging regimen. Trust the experts at Florida Vein Care.

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