Many people have a variety of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. For many in Orlando, we find that we hear a variety of old wives tales, different stories on how people lost the weight and kept it off, but generally, these do not hold true. It does not matter if you mean to go through an intensive training program or if you plan on seeking out Orlando medical weight loss, you?re going to hear some of these, and quite a number of them can be debunked rather easily. It won?t do you much good to hold onto things that just aren?t true when it comes to your own personal weight loss journey. Continue reading “Learn The Truth About Weight Loss”
Tag: lose weight
Lose Weight Without A Diet
When you think of summertime in Orlando two words probably instantly spring to mind:? “hot” and “humid”.? Yes, Florida exemplifies the classic characteristics of a humid subtropical climate.? The blistering heat combined with the heavy, damp air can be pretty uncomfortable for even the most heat-tolerant individuals.? For those who are overweight, the hot and humid Floridian summers can be almost unbearable.? If you are overweight and living in or near Orlando medical weight loss can be your solution to beating the discomfort of summer. Continue reading “Lose Weight Without A Diet”
Work That Fat Off
Coming into the summer season, many in Orlando and everywhere else are looking into new ways to get fit and get into shape. Whether you are looking at a weight loss plan on your own or perhaps having a look at Orlando medical weight loss, there are so many options out there it can be a bit baffling. However, one key component of any weight loss plan seems to be motivation. How do you keep the motivation to keep with whatever plan you are working with?
There are very few things that people have as much in common with when it comes to weight loss as motivation. Staying motivated is hard, particularly because weight loss is a process that takes time. You have to really have a tenacious attitude if you want to see the real results. Most people know how to lose weight, but it can be most difficult to continue on the path you?ve set out for yourself and stay motivated. There are a few key factors in this, and ways to help encourage your own weight loss plans. Continue reading “Work That Fat Off”
Losing Weight Is Fun
Many who seek out Orlando medical weight loss are also looking for ways to boost their routine and make weight loss fun. Here are a few great ideas so that your weight loss activities don?t end up boring. Make sure you move on out of your comfort zone, give something new a try and you will find that weight loss can be a great deal more fun- specifically in the Orlando area where there are many great activities you can try.
Have you ever watched kids playing and having fun? The things they do don?t seem like such a chore because they are having fun. Children at play are a great example of how to have fun and get fit- because they just do it naturally by having fun and this gets their daily activities needs met. Running is an excellent way to lose weight, especially if you have kids to play with as well. Run, climb, squat and have a great time burning calories while you reach your fitness goals. You might also try challenging a friend to a game- tennis, soccor, basketball, pretty much any sport you choose is going to be a fun, friendly way to compete but also to lose weight.
Having a picnic at the park can also be a great way to lose weight. Packing healthy foods and walking through a park or a beach to find just that perfect spot can be a great calorie burner, particularly if you follow up with a bike ride, a swim or even more walking.
Try Zumba! Zumba is quickly catching on as a fun way to lose weight by dancing your way to better health. Beginners courses make this new, fun cardio work out a breeze to learn and classes generally advance as you grow in skill. There are also numerous walking clubs that you can join, or even sign on for a charity walking event. If you don?t feel comfortable dancing in front of others, you can always just turn up the radio or a cd and dance at home. This is both a great way to improve your mood and help you stick to a great activity for healthy weight loss.
Hiking is another great activity that is both fun and fit- the newest craze of geocaching turns a hike into a fun, fast paced treasure hunt that can be done with groups for added fun. This takes the focus away from the exercise itself and makes the trip seem eventful and exciting. You usually walk for several hours and before you know it the day is done and you?ve burnt twice as many calories than if you had stayed at home to do it on a treadmill.
Reward yourself. At the end of a day of great activity, have a nice long soak in a hot bath and congratulate yourself on being fit and active. It?s important to keep your motivations up in any weight loss plan, particularly if you are taking on activity after having lived a sedentary lifestyle.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Oviedo, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.
Lose Weight Without Working Out?
At some point in everyone?s lives, they may have wanted to lose weight- if you happen to be at that point right now, you have either decided that you have one of two options: eat better, or be more active. For those of you who have decided to be more active, the world of working out can be an intimidating one- so many different types of work outs out there, what do you choose? Some may want to take classes, others decide to walk, run, or even do yoga. There is really no wrong answer when it comes to exercise, however, depending on what you want to do- you may want to target specific areas to lose body fat. Many Orlando medical weight loss specialists encourage all over training, including weight training.
One of the greatest ways to impact body fat is through weight training. This doesn?t have to be as frightening as it looks and you don?t have to form a big, beefy physique. Because everyone is built differently, everyone will respond differently to beginning a weight training regimen. This custom body sculpting can be used to help you to sculpt just the body you want, as well. Lifting weights not only enables you to lose fat, but it also burns a great deal of calories. For instance, your metabolism stays up for about forty eight hours after each weight lifting session. For every pound of lean muscle you have, your body burns about fifty more calories a day, because muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat. With weight lifting, you also begin to see the results much more quickly. Losing motivation is one of the biggest causes of work out-burn out, and if you want to keep on a plan, it has to show results. If you?re changing up your work outs, throwing in a little weight training here and there, and mixing that in with your aerobic work outs you will find that this packs a powerful double punch towards your weight loss goals.
Experience or lack thereof is never an issue. With weight training, you simply have to begin. There is a wealth of information out there, online and off for this, and you don?t even need to find a personal trainer, if you?d like to get started. Simply read around and find the right fit for you and get started. It?s just that easy. Bringing weight training into a total body work out is definitely a great way to ensure that you are spot toning those hard to lose areas such as the thighs, butt, belly and more.
The best work outs for new weight trainers seeking to burn body fat, fast are:
?dumbbell squats
?Bench presses
?split squats
?single arm or clean presses
?curl to press
These are just a few examples of the ways that many people, just like yourself, are already losing weight and burning fat using weight lifting techniques. Just a couple of reps of 10-15 each and before long, you, too can begin seeing remarkable results.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Leesburg, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.
Seven Weight Loss Secrets
Here are just a few tips from people who, like yourself have decided to get on a weight loss plan and who have found success and met their goals. These tips are quite helpful and many people find them to be beneficial in a weight loss program.
First and foremost, you have to feel like you want to lose weight in order to do so. All too often, this is done to please someone else, but the motivation has to be all your own.
When making any big lifestyle change, you must be sure that your motivation comes from within and that you really are ready. It does not really matter what has worked for others- it has to be all you and what you are comfortable with.
Don’t get caught up in a cycle of self doubting and blame. Whether you intend to lose five pounds or fifty pounds, it can be a bit of a struggle at times. Once you fail initially, it does not mean that your weight loss plan is over- you just need to understand you made a poor choice and move on. Being patient with yourself is a very important part of an overall weight loss program that many people don’t really take into account, leaving them frustrated and sometimes depressed.
Avoid triggers. If initially you feel that in some situations you may overeat or you may eat things you know that you shouldn’t- there is nothing wrong with simply avoiding those situations for a time. Additionally, you can find other options in snacking when at events, parties and restaurants that will keep you and your weight loss plan on track.
Get the support you need. You have to make sure that you are surrounding yourself with people who are really wanting to help you succeed. Sometimes, even our best friends can be our worst enemies when it comes to weight loss efforts and knowing who will be supportive and who may not be is best. This is also where a work out buddy can come in handy as well.
Think about ways to reward your efforts for your goals- different nonfood items or things that you would like. Make plans to treat yourself when you have been doing well and be sure that you are congratulating yourself regularly on your successes.
Make sure that you have healthy options all around you. If you have to, toss out any high calorie, low nutrition snacks and really give your kitchen and pantry a make over. Don’t forget to make sure that you have healthy alternatives to your favorite snack foods, and that you have foods available for regular snacking.
Set smaller goals rather than big ones. If your weight loss plan includes a great deal of loss, sometimes it is much better to take it in five or ten pound increments. Be sure that you are focusing more on where you’d like to be in just a month at a time and this will help you to stay motivated and focused.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Ocoee, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.
Weight Loss: Talk To Your Doctor
Being able to talk to your doctor about weight loss is an important thing, but difficult at times. You may have tried quite a few different diets or weight loss plans before you thought about talking to your doctor, but, it is always best to go with a doctor’s advice. If you feel that your weight loss plans have not been working out for you, it may be that you don’t have an adequate support system in place- and a key component of a good weight loss plan for many, is the support and guidance of a doctor.
The first visit is usually one of the most important- your doctor will likely perform a full physical including blood work and a urine sample. This is to make sure that there aren’t underlying health concerns that may be causing weight gain or the inability to lose weight. Potential causes of this are diabetes, heart disease, thyroid and liver issues, metabolic issues or depression.
After ruling out underlying conditions, your doctor may discuss weight loss plans that would work for you. You’ll need to be ready with a full family history, which weight loss plans you have already tried, supplements and other medications you are using and how active your lifestyle is. When speaking to your doctor about weight loss it is vital to be as open and honest about these things as you can be so that you can then make a realistic weight loss plan that will work with your own level of fitness. If there are conditions that may be causing you problems with your weight loss goals, the doctor can then effectively address and treat those so that you can move forward with your weight loss plan.
Depending on your goals, the doctor may advise a few different courses of action. Usually this will start with a diet plan adapted to your specific caloric needs based on your level of physical activity. However, other alternatives may be discussed, such as goal setting, stress release and triggers, work out plans, diet pills or surgeries, and in some cases, the use of antidepressants. More often than not, your doctor will be able to gage your level of readiness as your weight loss plan goes on, for instance, when it may be beneficial to begin cardio or weight training. Other things that a doctor can help with are customized diet plans based on your health conditions.
Speaking to your doctor about your weight loss plan can be a great way to get things on track from a physical standpoint. While a doctor is not going to have an overnight cure for your weight issues, no weight loss plan really can do that. However, a doctor will know what conditions may be impacting your weight loss plan and how to circumvent those, as well as the healthy levels of activity and diet that your body needs.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Winter Springs, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.
Natural Weight Loss Tips
There are so many different things you can do to lose weight quickly and permanently- you may have heard of crazy diet plans involving lemons, vinegar, and then there are diet pills, fasting- all of these fad diets that may have caught your attention. However, the problem with these are that some of them can cause alot of long term damage to your health and they can actually cause more weight gain than they would actually help you lose. There are other alternatives that can help you to work on a healthier weight loss plan, while at the same time, help you to keep it off.
First and formost, no matter what you do, make sure you are hydrated. If you are drinking at least eight full glasses of water a day, your intake is fine. Your body needs water to help metabolize fat already stored in the body and helps to allow the kidneys to more efficiently eliminate waste. Another great benefit to water is, it is a natural appetite suppressant and keeps your stomach feeling full.
Grazing- this is a means of weight loss that is not so much about what you eat but how. Eating much smaller meals throughout the course of the day is a great way to keep you from going into a mode where you are feeling starved and also helps your insulin levels. Beginning your day with a good breakfast will help, if you cannot snack here and there on healthy foods all day. Keeping meals small and regularly spaced will prevent your body from feeling hungry, which will also prevent you from bingeing.
As to foods that benefit a good weight loss plan- high fiber or protein foods are generally best. Both help you to feel fuller faster, and fiber’s big benefit is that it also helps the body to better digest the food that it is taking in. Whole grains also have a number of heart benefits as well as being a big boon to the metabolism, helping your own body to better use the food you are taking in, and turn it to muscle instead of fat. Taking in more fruits, vegetables and other very healthy snacks like this will also have you feeling much more energy, which can lead to a more active lifestyle.
Weight loss when coupled with a more active lifestyle is another great thing that will lead to not only losing weight and keeping it off, but overall better health. Bear in mind, when you see mention of active lifestyle, that does not mean that you suddenly have to adopt this big, strict work out regimen. Not at all. It does however mean that being a bit more active than you already are may be in order. Consider short walks, or other enjoyable activities. Swimming and walking, even for very short periods each day are both great, low impact ways to increase your activity levels without stressful levels of activity.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Oviedo, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.
How Not To Lose Weight
You’ve probably heard the old saying about being your own worst enemy, and this often holds true for weight loss programs. There are a number of things to avoid when you’re either thinking about or even as you go about your own goals- and, sometimes, we don’t even see these things we do that self defeat. Below are a list of the most common things that people do that hinder even the best of weight loss programs.
The big promises didn’t pan out for me. If you’ll have a look at the bottom of the screen in most of those commercials- it reads, “Results not typical”. There’s a reason for that. Chances are good, if you are expecting to drop a large amount of weight in a very short amount of time- it’s either untrue, or it’s not being done in a healthy way. Either way, this is a common set up for failure. Anticipating vast results quickly is usually a sure fire way to be disappointed in a weight loss plan.
Slipped up, gave up. Just because you have a donut during the first week of your diet, does not mean the whole thing is derailed. As a matter of fact, feeling deprived is another one of the big problems with most diet plans. If you do break your diet- don’t worry about it so much. You’re not being graded, and you’re not going to instantly be unable to lose weight because of one or two slips. Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, consider perhaps allowing yourself a little time to adjust to the lifestyle changes. All too often, people just do not realize that weight loss is a big, overall lifestyle change- and as such, you should allow yourself some time to adjust, but don’t give up.
Stopped losing at a certain weight- or “plateaued”. This is actually very common in weight loss plans, especially in those that incorporate physical activity. As the body begins to convert fat to muscle mass, you may find that you stay the same weight or even gain. This is not cause for alarm- it is a good sign. Healthy muscle mass weighs more than fat.
Lost weight, but could not keep it off, or yo-yo dieting. If you find yourself in a pattern of behavior that leads to extreme weight loss, followed by weight gain and back- you may have a bigger problem. Yo yo dieting is extremely hard on the body and as great as you may feel about the weight loss, the emotional roller coaster yo-yo dieting can get you on isn’t good for you, either. Consider instead finding one healthy, balanced diet coupled with a physical routine that works for you and stick to it, as opposed to trying several.
These are just a few of the more common mistakes and pitfalls in dieting. Understanding first and foremost that this is usually a major lifestyle change can help. With any change, you’re bound to have a period of time adjusting.
If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Zellwood, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.