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Weight Clinics in Orlando: What Sets Svelte Apart.

It is an important decision to dedicate yourself to losing weight, but how does one begin? It’s true that starting the journey of managing one’s weight can be a difficult task, and one of the most effective ways to get that little push is to visit a weight loss clinic. But, with all of the choices in Orlando how does one know where to begin?

While it’s true that there are numerous weight loss clinics in Orlando, there are few that offer the quality — but more importantly, healthy — programs offered at Svelte MD. Implementing a proprietary regimen of weight management injections along with dietary plans, counseling, and supplements, Svelte MD is far and above other clinics whose methods may offer results, but are much less healthy. But what do we mean by “less healthy”?


Pill Dispensaries

Many weight loss clinics rely upon the same method for their “programs”: A reliance on popping pills. While it is true that Svelte MD’s program incorporates appetite medication, it is an FDA approved prescription that makes use of all natural ingredients in order to safely curb your appetite — and it is also used in conjunction with other tools. Many clinics simply offer patients prescriptions for pills that cause a massive decrease in appetite, and may cause your body to experience unpleasant side effects as a result.

To make matters worse, these clinics often charge outrages visitation fees for what amounts to a quick weigh-in and another couple pills. This proves ineffectual as it takes more than pills to produce long-lasting, healthy weight loss.



Svelte’s Program

While appetite is prescribed by the licensed physicians at Svelte, patients are also privy to resources some other weight loss clinics don’t provide. For starters patients are given a weekly injection (unique to Svelte MD) of all natural vitamins and amino acids, which causes insulin levels to drop. This results in fat being burned before sugars, and provides for noticeable results that won’t force the body to crash.

Along with the injections, diet plans are issued by the physician. These are low-calorie foods and meals, and can be tailored to the patient’s lifestyle. Whether one is a vegetarian, diabetic, or enjoys an otherwise typical diet, Svelte MD has a plan to fit every patient’s needs.



A Sense of Community

Svelte has long been a participator in the community, often sponsoring events such as local sports games, or the 2011 Southern Women’s Show. This falls in line with Dr. Bragg’s belief that we are a community, every man, woman and business, and it is every one’s job to help it thrive. This sense of community carries over into doctor/patient interaction.

Ask any patient who has ever visited Svelte MD, and you’ll find that not a one of them has ever felt like “just a patient”. With the courteous staff employed at Svelte, patients know that they will be treated like a member of the family.


If you’re tired of feeling like a customer, not a patient, and would like to enroll in a healthy weight management program that won’t put your health at risk, you owe it to yourself to come into Svelte MD today. Simply fill out the form on our homepage to receive a consultation today!

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