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The Skinny on Medical Weight Loss

Losing weight is an uphill battle. Unfortunately some people think that the best way to win the war against gaining weight is through demanding — and often dangerous — “miracle diets”. This could not be farther from the truth.

Medical Weight Loss is the perfect method of controlling your weight, especially if you have had hard times sticking to other diets in the past.



What is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical Weight Loss is a non-surgical means of losing weight. It combines three primary steps:

  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Exercise Counseling
  • Behavioral Counseling

Let’s examine each step one by one.

Nutrition Counseling

In the beginning, you will receive a prescribed diet by a certified doctor. He/She will decide what you need to focus on eating (How many calories, carbs or no carbs, etc.). After following this strict diet for some time, your regimen will steadily allow you to eat more of he foods you love while sticking to your diet.

The idea is to handle your diet like riding a bike. The strict caloric intake will act as your training wheels. As you get comfortable eating healthier, you will find yourself managing your own diet in no time.

Exercise Counseling

Exercise is, perhaps, the most key element to losing weight. If you eat healthily but never engage in physical activity, you’re just as likely to gain unwanted weight. The idea is to break away from a sedimentary lifestyle. This is achieved by having your MWL doctor plan an exercise regimen that you stick to.

Like the nutrition counseling, this step will evolve over the course of your treatment.

Behavioral Counseling

This can be the most challenging aspect, as one’s behavior will decide whether or not the other two steps work. You may have all the desire in the world to lose weight, but without training yourself to resist urges, or to exercise instead of watching TV, nothing else you do will matter.

This step in the process is akin to having a psychiatrist for your body, not just your mind. Your MWL professional will counsel you to make sure you are making good decisions, and sticking with their prescribed regimens. As you get more accustomed to curbing your behavior, so, too, will you become accustomed to keeping healthy.

What makes Medical Weight Loss superior to most other forms of weight loss is that the experience is personalized. The routine your doctor selects will be custom fit to your needs. Every strength and every shortcoming will be taken into account. The result it a program made with you — and only you — in mind.


To begin your personalized weight management program with Svelte, begin by simply filling out the form on our homepage to receive a consultation today!

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