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Today’s Connection Between a Woman’s Appearance and Self Esteem

“Only 2% of women think they are beautiful…”

The majority of the time, a woman’s desire to “alter” her body in any way, shape, or form, is written off as vanity. What if the changes women make to their bodies give them the confidence they need in order to succeed? What if there was hard evidence that these modifications changed the way their bosses and peers viewed them? Would it then still be considered vanity, or a necessary improvement?

We happen to be in support of women regaining confidence and taking back their lives. Physical Causes of Low Self Esteem

Being displeased with your physical appearance is something that women of all ages and races are dealing with on a daily basis. Maybe you were born with the attributes you dislike about yourself or perhaps they have just begun to surface in the last few years. Any way you have it, a negative self image is damaging to you, mentally, physically, and otherwise. There are many physical issues woman deal with, that cause low self esteem:

The Effects of Low Self Esteem

It has been found that 90% of all women want to change something about their physical appearance. It has also been found that woman make only 76% of their male peers’ salaries. Could there be a correlation?

A woman’s self esteem alters the way in which she values herself. In comparison to their male colleagues, women feel like less of an asset to the companies they work for.

The effects of low self esteem don’t end there, they carry on throughout all aspects of women’s lives. Anxiety, depression, relationship issues, poor performance, these can all be attributed to low self esteem.

What is the Solution?

Find the solution to your low self esteem. Whether it’s weight loss, a wardrobe make over, or even a cosmetic change, go for it! It has been proven that there is a positive correlation between women self esteem and salary. Which means the higher your self esteem, the more money you will make.

If you are suffering from veins, wrinkles, loss of volume in your skin, damaged ear lobes, cherry spots or age spots we are here to help. Florida Vein Care offers a large variety of services and procedures that can rid your body of these unsightly issues. From botox, to dermal fillers, to vein treatment, we do it all.

Why wait any longer to get your self esteem back? We believe aging is a beautiful thing, but that doesn’t mean you should have to be covered in liver spots and wrinkles for the rest of your life. Visit our website,, to see which procedures would be right for you. Whether it’s vein care, cosmetic procedures or skin care, we have everything you need to get you back on your A game. Contact us today and we will have you on your way to a beautiful and confident lifestyle.

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