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Top 5 Things That Cause Wrinkles

Wrinkles, they are an unfortunate part of the aging process that everyone tries to avoid. They make us look older than we are, and as a result, lower our self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, wrinkles aren’t something we have to put up with anymore. Why? Because science has taught us exactly why they occur and how we can avoid them for as long as possible.

What are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are those unsightly lines that occur in the second layer of skin, or the dermis. This layer contains our skin’s structural elements and provides our skin with strength and elasticity. As we grow older, the cells in the dermis divide more slowly and the elastin fibers and collagen that give our skin strength loosen, resulting in the surface depressions we’ve come to know as wrinkles.

At the same time, the amount of oil being secreted by the sebaceous glands in the skin decreases, meaning that your skin isn’t as lubricated. This dry, dull appearance simply enhances the looks of wrinkles.

Orlando Skin Care: What’s Causing Your Wrinkles?

There are several causes of wrinkles, including age. However, you don’t have to deal with wrinkles prematurely. Some causes can be avoided completely so that your skin stays younger and healthier longer.

  • Sun Exposure- For years now, you’ve been hearing how important sun protection is, and there’s a reason for it. Protecting your skin every day throughout the year, rain or shine, not only reduces your chances of skin cancer, but can reduce your chances of developing wrinkles prematurely as well. How? When you don’t use protection, exposure to the sun causes damage to your skin, breaking down elastin fibers and collagen, depleting antioxidants that are needed for skin repair and collagen production, and damaging DNA cells. This creates the perfect environment for the development of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Sugar- Can’t resist that extra piece of chocolate cake? It could cost you. When sugar in the bloodstream attaches to proteins, molecules known as advanced glycation are formed. These molecules are harmful to the elastin and collagen in the dermis. As a result, the skin becomes saggy and a victim to wrinkles.
  • Smoking- Smoking destroys the elastin fibers and collagen in the skin, but it also slows down the production of new collagen. In addition, it also narrows the blood vessels so nutrients and oxygen aren’t as easily able to reach the skin.
  • Lack of Water- Keeping your body hydrated and healthy isn’t something to be ignored when it comes to preventing wrinkles. Skin cells do need to be hydrated in order to do their job correctly, and when your body is healthy, your skin reflects that with a radiant and youthful glow. Pay attention to the amount of water you’re putting into your body if you want to avoid wrinkles.
  • Lack of Sleep- Which one of us hasn’t ever had a night when we simply tossed and turned until the alarm finally informed us the fight for sleep was over? Unfortunately, when you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more cortisol. This is a type of hormone that when released, breaks down skin cells. If you want to avoid wrinkles, getting enough sleep is important. When you get enough rest, human growth hormone, or HGH, is produced instead of coritsol, which will help keep your skin more elastic, with fewer wrinkles.

Avoiding premature wrinkles isn’t always easy, but there are simple lifestyle changes you can make to help prevent them. However, if you’re already seeing signs of fine lines and wrinkles, don’t worry. Our Orlando skin care professionals can assist you in finding the right treatment option to help you repair your skin and achieve the younger and healthier look you’re searching for.

Contact Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center today. They are an Orlando based center that will have you on your way to clearer skin and a more beautiful you.

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