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Varicose Veins are Not Just Found on the Legs

human-body-311864_1280For most people, the discussion of varicose veins in Orlando conjures up a disturbing visual of blue-purplish, gnarled bulges and swelling of the legs. While it’s true that the most severe cases of varicose veins occur in the lower extremities, they can occur in many other locations throughout the body.

Many people have visible varicose veins on their eyes and face. Around the eye area, especially the lower and upper lid, there is little body fat and the veins lie close to the surface. These veins may be large or small and may be dilated more than others in the body. Smaller veins on the face may appear as little wisp-like threads and are purplish, or red (or a combination of both) in color. These surface capillaries may intensify or deepen in color when the person becomes over-heated. Patients displeased with their appearance often seek treatment to improve looks. Laser therapy and electrolysis are two of the most appropriate ways to resolve these issues.

The appearance of varicosities on the hands, arms, or cleavage area is not as uncommon as one would think. The veins lie closer to the surface of the skin in the hands and can become more visible as we age and our skin changes. People who work out or who have low body fat also notice the visibility of varicose veins in their hands and upper arms from strenuous exercise. Women who have undergone breast augmentation procedures have increased their odds in developing varicose veins in the cleavage and breast area. All of these locations where varicose veins can appear are more of a cosmetic nuisance than medically relevant as they very rarely develop into deep vein thrombosis.

Hemorrhoids. Yes, those painful, swollen irritations on the rump are actually varicose veins in and around the anus. Straining, constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, and obesity are the leading causes of hemorrhoids in patients. It is not uncommon for them to be very painful and for bleeding to occur. There are many over-the-counter treatments that are effective in relieving the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. In extreme cases, hemorrhoids can result in thrombosis that will require medical intervention.

Don’t self-diagnose. If you suspect you suffer from this affliction, seek the advice of a physician who can make an accurate diagnosis and help you determine if treatment is necessary for your varicose veins in Orlando. Dr. Bragg is the best and most experienced vein care doctor in the Central Florida area. Make your appointment today at 407-805-8989, or contact Florida Vein Care online.

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