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What to do About Varicose Veins Caused by Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an absolutely beautiful part of life, with a few not so pretty side effects. One of those side effects being the formation of varicose veins. There are three major things that change within the body during pregnancy that cause you to be at a high risk for forming varicose veins: the blood volume in the body increases, the speed at which blood returns from the legs decreases, and you produce a higher level of the hormone progestin which causes veins to be more dilated.

However, all hope is not lost. Although you cannot change heredity, or control the hormones in your body, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent, or lessen, the formation of varicose veins during pregnancy.

Tips For Evading Varicose Veins

1. Promote circulation

This sounds much more complex than it actually is. This can be achieved by doing these  few simple things: keep your feel elevated while you’re sitting, flex your ankles and stretch your feet back often, avoid sitting with your legs crossed.


Many people feel that being on their feet at all will only put further strain on their legs and cause further harm to veins. Actually exercise is critical in preventing varicose veins from forming. Take a couple of walks every day, or take part in another form of simple exercise.

3. Be smart about clothing

As you could have guessed, pants and undergarments that are excessively tight will only aid in the formation of varicose veins. Make sure your clothes fit comfortably, and avoid anything that feels tight around the waist. What most people don’t realize is that what you put on your feet matters as well. Socks with a tight elastic top, and heels that constrict your feet are both things you should stay away from.

4. Keep an eye on your weight

This may seem like a cruel thing to tell a pregnant woman, but it is extremely important. Visit your practitioner, and find out what a healthy amount of weight gain for your body type would be. Make it your mission to stay within those healthy limits, as any extra pounds will add further strain on your circulatory system.

5. Sleep on your left side

Sleeping on the left side of your body is a wonderful habit to get into. This will avoid putting pressure on your main blood vessels, as well as keeping your circulation strong throughout the night.

6. Take your vitamins

It is imperative that you eat a balanced diet at all times, but especially during pregnancy. This is a wonderful practice for keeping your veins happy and healthy. Also be sure to get a healthy dose of vitamin C, as your body needs this in order to produce the collagen and elastin used to repair and maintain blood vessels.

Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center

Are you currently living with the varicose veins? Florida Vein Care is known as the best vein clinic in Orlando. Our vein doctor has many years experience in the field of veins and specializes in this treatment. Are you interested in getting rid of your varicose veins, and having legs you can be proud of again? Contact Florida Vein Care and take advantage of the sclerotherapy specials we have going on for this month only. Learn more about these extraordinary savings, and schedule your vein treatment today!

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