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Your #1 Question About Venous Disease Answered

Let’s begin by stating that there are absolutely no stupid questions when it comes to your health. You should have a relationship with your healthcare team that is built on trust and excellent communication. Your doctor and his/her team should never make you feel ignorant when you ask questions. That being said, there are some frequently asked questions that are part of the initial consult and diagnosis of venous disease and treatments at vein clinics in Orlando. Dr. Bragg of Florida Vein Care Center is always happy to address any questions presented by his patients and here is the most frequently asked question:

What did I do to have varicose veins?

There is nothing that you did to get those veins in your legs or arms, so don’t blame yourself. There are a few basic causes of venous disease. First, genetics play a huge part in the development of varicose veins.  If one of your parents had them, you have a 50% chance of getting them and if both of your parents had them (yes, men can get them too,) your risk of developing venous disease rises to about 90%.

Pregnancy is the number one cause of varicose veins in women of child-bearing age. A mother-to-be’s increase in blood volume to support her growing baby can cause veins to stretch. Rising hormone levels will assist in this stretchy vein process which results in the pressure within the vein walls not working efficiently. As the baby grows, additional pressure on the pelvic area can negatively impact blood flow to the lower extremities.  

As you know, getting older isn’t for sissies, and your age is unfortunately another contributing factor to declining venous health. The older we get, combined with genetic predisposition, will increase the probability of emerging varicosity. Finally, if you have gained a few pounds or are obese, you have an even greater possibility of suffering from the swelling and pain associated with varicose veins.

In future blogs, Dr. Bragg will address symptoms and treatments for varicose veins. If you want to know more now, please call Florida Vein Care Center at 407-805-8989 and schedule a consultation now at our leading vein clinic in Orlando.

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