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Your Sleep Schedule is Ruining Your Appearance

Sleep does more than just give you some much needed down time and rest. Your body needs sleep to function properly. As we rest, our bodies are hard at work replenishing our skin, de-stressing and energizing.

On days when we failed to get the proper amount of sleep, there are noticeable differences in our appearance. We look worn out, our skin is duller, our eyes are darker, and our overall appearance is just lacking. Because sleep is so vital to your appearance and health, being sure that you are getting the proper amount is a must.

Are You Sleep Deprived?

We are going to share with you, a few tell tale signs that you are sleep deprived.

1. Poor Judgment

We tend to think that staying up for a couple of extra hours at night to get work done, or study for an exam, is a good idea. In reality, if this will deprive you of getting a full night’s rest, you are better off going to bed. A lack of sleep will hinder your attention span, alertness, concentration, reasoning, problem-solving and decision making skills. In the long run, those extra hours just might not be worth it.

2. Memory

Our brains process information we input during the day, during our REM sleep. Regardless of how much you study, if you aren’t well rested, you will not be able to perform well the next day. This is why it is so pertinent that we get a healthy amount of sleep before a meeting, or a test.

If you find that you are often forgetting simple tasks, this may be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep.

3. Irritability

A lack of sleep leads to an imbalance in our moods. Depression and helplessness are often the results. Studies have shown that when individual receive only 4 and a half hours of sleep in a night, they experienced higher levels of stress, anger and other emotional problems.

4. Weight Gain

Although we often blame our increased appetite on work related stress, and other factors, the truth of the matter is that an increased appetite is often attributed to sleep deprivation. It is important that you get an adequate amount of sleep every night in order maintain a healthy weight.

5. Poor Vision

That’s right, lack of sleep causes a loss of acute vision. Getting rid of that fogginess that sometimes bothers our eyes can become extremely difficult, focusing your eyes becomes nearly impossible, and you may even feel as though you are walking around in a haze.

Florida Vein Care

Has a lack of sleep taken its toll on your well being and appearance? Make time to get the proper amount of sleep that your body requires. This will make a world of difference. For more beauty information, continue to follow the Florida Vein Care of Orlando blog.

Are you in need of cosmetic treatments such as Botox, vein treatment or facials? Contact the Florida Vein doctor today and be on your way to a happier you.

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