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6 Ways You Can Prevent Varicose Veins

Because the causes of varicose veins are still undetermined, prevention of these veins is a highly debated subject. However, although many health experts aren’t completely certain that varicose veins can be entirely prevented, there are ways to delay them and keep the ones you have from becoming worse.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are veins, generally on the legs, that have become tortuous and enlarged. They are typically dark purple or blue, and may be lumpy or bulging in appearance. Individuals with varicose veins may experience no symptoms at all, other than the physical appearance of the veins. Others, however, may experience heavy limbs, cramping pains, or even painful ulcers beneath the skin.

Unlike healthy veins, the valves within varicose veins are damaged. Instead of allowing blood to flow easily in one direction, the valves malfunction, keeping blood stagnant or causing it to flow backward and pool within the vein. The result is varicose veins.

The reasons for the damage to the valves can vary, and are highly debated among health professionals. In general, most believe certain factors contribute to the development of these veins:

  • Genetics- Genetics and heredity play heavily in the development of these veins.
  • Age- Varicose veins can appear at almost any age. In general, the majority of individuals suffering from these damaged or weakened veins report that they were between the ages of 18 and 35 when the veins began to first develop, and that they peaked when the individual reached 50 to 60 years of age.
  • Gender- Women are much more likely to experience varicose veins than men.
  • Pregnancy- Blood volume increases during pregnancy, and the veins can become distended because of it. When this occurs, the valves can malfunction and cause pooling of blood in the veins.
  • Lifestyle- Individuals that sit or stand for prolonged periods of time are often more likely to develop varicose veins because the weight of their blood is constantly putting pressure on certain veins, causing distention and eventually valve dysfunction.

Orlando Vein Care: Prevention, Delay, and Care for Varicose Veins

Whether your goal is to prevent varicose veins as much as you possibly can, delay their development, or keep them from becoming worse than they already are, there are simple lifestyle choices you can make to keep your body looking as beautiful as you want it to.

  • Keep your legs elevated whenever you can.
  • Make exercise a priority. Climb the stairs, swim, cycle, or even walk. This reduces and prevents varicose veins from forming because it keeps your calf muscles in motion and reduces the possibility of pressure in the veins and blood pooling.
  • If you have to sit or stand for long periods of time, (for instance, if your job duties demand it,) move your legs as often as possible. Simulating walking by flexing your ankles will pump the blood through your veins and decrease your chances of developing varicose veins.
  • Use support compression hose to help support blood flow in your legs. They will not only reduce pressure and pooling in the veins, but can also decrease your risk of forming a deep vein blood clot. Be sure to speak to a doctor, however, before using these support hoses.
  • Keep the hot baths short, or avoid them altogether. They may be relaxing, especially with bubble bath, but the heat can increase distention in the veins, leading to more pooling. If you have already developed varicose veins, excessive heat like this will only make them worse.
  • Lose weight. If you’re overweight, you’re putting unnecessary pressure on the veins in your body, which reduces blood flow. Every pound you lose can help prevent or delay the development of varicose veins.

Already dealing with varicose veins? Take these steps now to prevent them from becoming worse, then schedule an appointment with our Orlando vein care specialists to determine what treatment option is right for you. With our help, you can get rid of those unsightly veins and take control of your body again.

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