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Blood Clots a Possibility with Varicose Veins

boots-828975_1280Symptoms of varicose veins include achiness, fatigue, discoloration of the skin, swelling, itchiness, burning sensations, and pain. The causes can be varied:

  • a family history of varicosity
  • obesity
  • age
  • gender
  • being on or off your feet for extended periods of time
  • pregnancy

What most people don’t realize is that with varicose veins comes the very real possibility of developing blood clots. Varicose vein removal in Orlando specialists, Florida Vein Care, explains.

Venous insufficiency is the result of the valve within the vein not functioning properly. If the valve doesn’t seal properly, blood is not returning to the heart correctly and it will begin to pool around the valve. Pressure inside the vein wall increases, which causes distension, or bulging of the vein. This is how the body tries to compensate for the build-up of blood.  Constant pooling, however, can cause more than the symptoms we associate with varicose veins. For example, damage to the lining of the vein can occur and a blood clot can result as the blood backs up.

Phlebitis is the condition that occurs in the veins closer to the skin’s surface. It can be exceedingly painful, causing skin to get red and blotchy-looking, become warm to the touch, and it could result in swelling of one or both legs. Patients sometimes report that having anything touching the affected skin at all is excruciating. Diagnosis is usually made via Doppler ultrasound and treatment with blood thinners, elevation and the wearing of compression stockings has proven to be successful in most cases.

If left untreated, which is not recommended, the small clots that occur with phlebitis can travel into deeper veins, creating larger clots, a condition named Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). It is important to note that DVT can occur in deep varicose veins without having first had phlebitis. DVT causes severe leg cramps in the affected vein area (especially when standing or walking), along with swelling of the leg. The skin may become very red and warm to the touch. If these symptoms occur suddenly, get to a doctor immediately. Blood clots cans break loose from the vein wall and travel to your lungs.

When a blood clot breaks free and travels to the lungs, it is referred to as a Pulmonary Embolism and can be deadly. Sudden onset of severe coughing, coughing up blood, chest pain, dizziness, and shortness of breath require a call to 911 without delay. DVTs are diagnosed via Doppler ultrasound and a pulmonary embolism can usually be seen on a chest x-ray. Both are treatable with blood thinners and rest if caught in time.

Don’t take your vein health for granted because can have disastrous results. Make an appointment to visit our varicose vein removal in Orlando clinic today at 407-805-8989. Let Dr. Bragg and the staff at Florida Vein Care examine your spider and varicose veins and get your legs healthy.

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