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Weight Loss: Talk To Your Doctor

Being able to talk to your doctor about weight loss is an important thing, but difficult at times. You may have tried quite a few different diets or weight loss plans before you thought about talking to your doctor, but, it is always best to go with a doctor’s advice. If you feel that your weight loss plans have not been working out for you, it may be that you don’t have an adequate support system in place- and a key component of a good weight loss plan for many, is the support and guidance of a doctor.

The first visit is usually one of the most important- your doctor will likely perform a full physical including blood work and a urine sample. This is to make sure that there aren’t underlying health concerns that may be causing weight gain or the inability to lose weight. Potential causes of this are diabetes, heart disease, thyroid and liver issues, metabolic issues or depression.

After ruling out underlying conditions, your doctor may discuss weight loss plans that would work for you. You’ll need to be ready with a full family history, which weight loss plans you have already tried, supplements and other medications you are using and how active your lifestyle is. When speaking to your doctor about weight loss it is vital to be as open and honest about these things as you can be so that you can then make a realistic weight loss plan that will work with your own level of fitness. If there are conditions that may be causing you problems with your weight loss goals, the doctor can then effectively address and treat those so that you can move forward with your weight loss plan.

Depending on your goals, the doctor may advise a few different courses of action. Usually this will start with a diet plan adapted to your specific caloric needs based on your level of physical activity. However, other alternatives may be discussed, such as goal setting, stress release and triggers, work out plans, diet pills or surgeries, and in some cases, the use of antidepressants. More often than not, your doctor will be able to gage your level of readiness as your weight loss plan goes on, for instance, when it may be beneficial to begin cardio or weight training. Other things that a doctor can help with are customized diet plans based on your health conditions.

Speaking to your doctor about your weight loss plan can be a great way to get things on track from a physical standpoint. While a doctor is not going to have an overnight cure for your weight issues, no weight loss plan really can do that. However, a doctor will know what conditions may be impacting your weight loss plan and how to circumvent those, as well as the healthy levels of activity and diet that your body needs.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Winter Springs, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Natural Weight Loss Tips

There are so many different things you can do to lose weight quickly and permanently- you may have heard of crazy diet plans involving lemons, vinegar, and then there are diet pills, fasting- all of these fad diets that may have caught your attention. However, the problem with these are that some of them can cause alot of long term damage to your health and they can actually cause more weight gain than they would actually help you lose. There are other alternatives that can help you to work on a healthier weight loss plan, while at the same time, help you to keep it off.

First and formost, no matter what you do, make sure you are hydrated. If you are drinking at least eight full glasses of water a day, your intake is fine. Your body needs water to help metabolize fat already stored in the body and helps to allow the kidneys to more efficiently eliminate waste. Another great benefit to water is, it is a natural appetite suppressant and keeps your stomach feeling full.

Grazing- this is a means of weight loss that is not so much about what you eat but how. Eating much smaller meals throughout the course of the day is a great way to keep you from going into a mode where you are feeling starved and also helps your insulin levels. Beginning your day with a good breakfast will help, if you cannot snack here and there on healthy foods all day. Keeping meals small and regularly spaced will prevent your body from feeling hungry, which will also prevent you from bingeing.

As to foods that benefit a good weight loss plan- high fiber or protein foods are generally best. Both help you to feel fuller faster, and fiber’s big benefit is that it also helps the body to better digest the food that it is taking in. Whole grains also have a number of heart benefits as well as being a big boon to the metabolism, helping your own body to better use the food you are taking in, and turn it to muscle instead of fat. Taking in more fruits, vegetables and other very healthy snacks like this will also have you feeling much more energy, which can lead to a more active lifestyle.

Weight loss when coupled with a more active lifestyle is another great thing that will lead to not only losing weight and keeping it off, but overall better health. Bear in mind, when you see mention of active lifestyle, that does not mean that you suddenly have to adopt this big, strict work out regimen. Not at all. It does however mean that being a bit more active than you already are may be in order. Consider short walks, or other enjoyable activities. Swimming and walking, even for very short periods each day are both great, low impact ways to increase your activity levels without stressful levels of activity.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Oviedo, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Finding the Right Weight Loss Program

There are so many weight loss plans out there to choose from, and it may be a little intimidating not knowing which is right for you. The right diet plan will not only help you to achieve the goals you have set, but also will fit into your lifestyle. There are a few things that you can do to find the right weight loss plan, the one that you will stick to.

First off, make sure that the weight loss plan you get into is a healthy one. Have a look at the caloric intake on the food plan and make sure that it is adequate to your weight, height and activity level. If your allowable calories are too low you will find that you lose water and muscle- which yes, will cause you to lose alot of weight fast, but will result in your body storing more fat. This results in the body trying harder than ever due to going into a starvation mode- to hold onto fat. That will make your weight loss an uphill battle and that much harder for you. Also, feeling deprived on a low calorie diet is one of the major factors as to why most people do not stick to a diet plan.

When you have it down to a few choices that really seem promising, then comes time to do the real homework. Look online for different reviews, forums and other places that people are talking about the weight loss program. Pay attention to both the negative reviews and the positives and balance these against eachother. Being able to find people already using the weight loss programs will help you to really have a better understanding of how it works, what may set you back and each weight loss plan in a greater detail than simply reading about it without that human element.

The next thing you need to do is be sure that it suits your lifestyle and budget- but before you do that, consider aspects of your lifestyle you might not mind letting go of. If you feel like you’re quite attached to convenience foods and eating out this is one thing that you may want to reconsider- it’s a big barrier to effective weight loss in most people. As well, if this is a weight loss plan that includes purchase of supplements and meal plans- it does not do you much good if you cannot afford it for the duration of time you need to lose the weight. After you have considered all of these aspects, then comes the test phase. This is an important factor that many people skip- and that’s not wise. The best amount of time to give any program is roughly a month. This usually gives you time both in body and mind to get used to the weight loss plan, get used to the changes that come with it- and to begin to see small results.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Winter Garden, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Speed Up Metabolism For Weight Loss

Metabolism plays a big role in any weight loss plan. One way to speed up your metabolism is to make exercises a daily part of your life. Being able to engage in interval training or resistance training is a great way to give your metabolism a boost. This will have you looking and feeling great and really help you to burn many more calories than simply dieting alone. You can also include certain foods in your diet that can also aid in your weight loss goals by helping your metabolism to work much more fast and efficiently.

Foods like broccoli, celery, asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower and zucchini are great examples of metabolism boosting foods, and they are considered negative calorie foods because they require more energy to burn than the calories they contain. Some other wonderful foods for metabolism health are berries. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and the like are powerfully loaded with antioxidants and have been shown to be just as heart healthy and weight loss friendly as they are tasty. Also, including lean proteins in your diet can be a big help. Foods such as fish, chicken and types of pork are a great way to eat better, and the best way to know which foods may help your metabolism is pretty simple- these foods are usually low fat, high protein or fiber. They also typically help to make your blood sugar stable and stave off those hunger pangs.

Antioxidant packed green tea is another great natural metabolism booster. As a thermogenic, it is effective in weight loss plans due to its benefit in enabling you to burn body fat. It does contain caffeine in most cases, but there are alternatives that do not have nearly as much if this is a concern. Also, you can find a number of juices and other drinks now on the market that are antioxidant fortified that really can be a better alternative to soda, coffee and other drinks that may contain far too many calories and not nearly enough nutrients, so, this is something to pay attention to as well when you’re shopping for things to stock your drink section with.

There are other spices that can also help. ?Using ceyenne pepper, cinnamon, cumin, mint, ginger and turmeric are great for not only getting the metabolism really moving but also, they help to curb snacking and craving. Generally speaking, spicier foods are powerful weight loss foods as they typically contain less calories. Another cooking tip you may consider is to use coconut oil- studies have proven that it not only curbs appetite but it stabilizes blood sugar and slows digestion.

Including a few new foods into your diet is a great way to get your metabolism back to a healthy clip and help you to lose weight in a healthy way. There are a number of small changes you can make to the way that you buy groceries even that will enable you to eat better and enjoy yourself more while still working on a healthy weight loss plan.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Kissimmee, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Being on a healthy weight loss plan and working towards better eating choices does not have to mean cutting out snacks, entirely. There are many different snacks that you can choose rather than others that will not only help you to keep weight off, but may actually improve your overall health to enable you to lose weight faster. Statistics show that the big area where Americans are gaining weight comes in between meals- that’s right, snacking accounts for up to 26 percent of all your calories. However, if you are a chronic snacker, don’t fret. There are a number of great ways to turn a snacking habit into a healthy habit that actually helps your diet move forward in a better way. Healthy snacking is actually one of the most beneficial things you can do for a weight loss plan- staving off hunger with low calorie alternatives is key.

Machine Trick
One of the biggest areas where people trip up on snack foods are in those convenient machines at the end of the hall. It’s always so easy to grab a quick bite out of the vending machine as opposed to anything else. However- there are two things. If you’re feeling particularly ambitions, just swear off the machine all together. If not- there are choices that you can grab out of there that aren’t going to hurt your diet nearly as bad. Sadly, we’re not talking about the “healthy choices” options you sometimes see. No. Instead, have a look at the ingredients list- snacks with 2 grams of saturated fat per serving or less and no trans fats are generally okay. These are usually whole grain crackers or pretzels and single serve nuts and seeds.

If you are craving salty foods, some great alternatives for you to chips and other high calorie, high fat options are olives, hummus with carrot sticks, unshelled edamame, and pumpkin seeds in shell. If you are more the type that craves sweet things, you may want to try these options to donuts and candies- fruit crisps, half a banana rolled in a tablespoon of semisweet, frozen chocolate chips, half of a 1.08 ounce container of M&M’s Minis mixed with 1/3 cup lowfat granola- and you thought you had to be deprived. You don’t. It’s all about moderation and knowing what and when, and when it comes to snacking, just a little bit can go a long way to stave off those cravings when they are particular in this way.

Another way to cut the calories that many people don’t consider- rather than chugging soda or coffee drinks, skip that and instead go for water. Studies show that up to 21 percent of all the daily calories that most people intake come from the things they drink. So, cutting out the soda and specialty coffees may have a much greater impact than you may think.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Lake Mary, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

How Not To Lose Weight

You’ve probably heard the old saying about being your own worst enemy, and this often holds true for weight loss programs. There are a number of things to avoid when you’re either thinking about or even as you go about your own goals- and, sometimes, we don’t even see these things we do that self defeat. Below are a list of the most common things that people do that hinder even the best of weight loss programs.

The big promises didn’t pan out for me. If you’ll have a look at the bottom of the screen in most of those commercials- it reads, “Results not typical”. There’s a reason for that. Chances are good, if you are expecting to drop a large amount of weight in a very short amount of time- it’s either untrue, or it’s not being done in a healthy way. Either way, this is a common set up for failure. Anticipating vast results quickly is usually a sure fire way to be disappointed in a weight loss plan.

Slipped up, gave up. Just because you have a donut during the first week of your diet, does not mean the whole thing is derailed. As a matter of fact, feeling deprived is another one of the big problems with most diet plans. If you do break your diet- don’t worry about it so much. You’re not being graded, and you’re not going to instantly be unable to lose weight because of one or two slips. Instead of getting frustrated and giving up, consider perhaps allowing yourself a little time to adjust to the lifestyle changes. All too often, people just do not realize that weight loss is a big, overall lifestyle change- and as such, you should allow yourself some time to adjust, but don’t give up.

Stopped losing at a certain weight- or “plateaued”. This is actually very common in weight loss plans, especially in those that incorporate physical activity. As the body begins to convert fat to muscle mass, you may find that you stay the same weight or even gain. This is not cause for alarm- it is a good sign. Healthy muscle mass weighs more than fat.

Lost weight, but could not keep it off, or yo-yo dieting. If you find yourself in a pattern of behavior that leads to extreme weight loss, followed by weight gain and back- you may have a bigger problem. Yo yo dieting is extremely hard on the body and as great as you may feel about the weight loss, the emotional roller coaster yo-yo dieting can get you on isn’t good for you, either. Consider instead finding one healthy, balanced diet coupled with a physical routine that works for you and stick to it, as opposed to trying several.

These are just a few of the more common mistakes and pitfalls in dieting. Understanding first and foremost that this is usually a major lifestyle change can help. With any change, you’re bound to have a period of time adjusting.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Zellwood, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Weight Loss Plans That Work

Getting ready to engage in a weight loss plan is almost as important as the plan itself. You want to be sure that you encourage a healthy eating pattern and that you are also bringing a regular exercise program into the mix as well.

Planning for weight loss will include working on situations and triggers in advance. Being able to achieve your goals includes identifying things that you feel will help you and support your plans and goals. If your goal is to avoid a certain amount of weight gain, being able to monitor your eating will be important and has shown great results.

You have to figure out and be able to implement patterns of behavior that promote an overall more healthy lifestyle. You’ll need to choose lower calorie foods, make sure you are working out or at least upping your physical activity a bit and these things don’t just happen, you have to plan for them.

First, consider the food choices that you make. You can easily identify existing patterns in your own eating and be better able to work out a strategy that will include a low fat, low energy density diet. You will also be better able to work on things like portion control and an much stronger way of looking at your own habits and how they impact your health.

Setting some goals that are easier to achieve first is usually a pretty good step for most. If you first set more attainable goals, you’re less likely to become frustrated and give up. Research has proven that when you get a little help, such as you’ll find with a weight loss coach or even your doctor, you are better able to stick with the weight loss plan you create. Personalization is key, because the eating patterns that you have usually relate to more personal aspects of your life such as stress response or the use of comfort foods.

In addition to diet, increased physical activity is pivotal to any weight loss plan. In order to have a successful program it is important to note that not everyone’s level of physical activity needs will be the same. Have a look at the things you enjoy doing and see what you can do to make them a little more physically intensive- if you live close to stores and such you usually shop at, consider walking to them rather than driving, for instance. Consider a walk in the park, as opposed to perhaps an afternoon movie. Increasing physical activity does not have to mean attending daily aerobics classes, it just means include a bit more activity in your daily routine. There are a number of ways to promote a much more healthy weight loss program and integrate increased physical activity without having to completely overhaul your life. Being able to make even small changes such as these can make a world of difference when it comes to your own personalized weight loss plans and goals.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Plymouth, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

When and Where Diets Fail

Failing DietsUnfortunately, as humans were are inclined to eat less foods when we realize that we have become larger than we would prefer. This includes skipping meals, eating way less, or even starving ourselves beyond that. This is the wrong way to go, because often times this makes it harder to lose weight.

Our bodies do amazing things and have become fantastic at helping us survive through some horrific things such as starvation. At the risk of making blanket statements, researchers compared heavy and skinny people’s food intakes and found that they intake the same amount of calories but the fat is what is different. The thinner people eat less fat while the heavier people eat more.

Many people assume that diets work for everyone, but unfortunately they are wrong. You cannot align with everyone else and you need something that is specifically for you. It is also important to remember that there is a lot of misinformation. Don’t waste time going through every diet known to man. It may be smarter to find yourself a good doctor and a nutritionist to find your problem areas and figure this all out. It can be beneficial using professionals help instead of depending on word of mouth or new flavor of the week diets.

Another thing to keep in mind is that just because a commercial or advertisement says that the diet helper will work does not mean it is true. We are all different physically and that means we have different reactions to everything. There are millions of people around America trying to lose their extra weight and that means that they spend billions of dollars on products that don’t even work. That isn’t fair to you or your pockets! Not only that, but people typically end up gaining the weight they lost while doing these diet fads if they did work.

There was a survey that had proven that not one commercial diet plan would actually work in the long term. So, thankfully the FDA has begun stepping in and trying to control all of the dishonesty in this weight loss industry. This is important because many of these products can cause long term health issues, too. We are always going through a world of trial and error, but we are learning to make better decisions and control these problems.

For example, one of the things we have learned is that people are not always getting heavy from eating too many calories. There are so many other aspects to consider such as saturated fats and trans fats. We have begun taking in less calories than we used to so while these should be considered they are not to be blamed entirely. Not only are we eating a lot more, we are becoming less active with television and computer usage skyrocketing. Everything is literally at our finger tips and people would much rather sit at the computer than going for a run in the park up the street. These are things that need to be considered when wanting to start a new dieting plan.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Casselberry, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Trans-Fats Explained

what is trans fat?For many years trans fats have been hidden in foods and now it is legally obligated by the FDA to list these trans fats in foods. Thanks to this, it will become easier to keep track of fat intake. This article is devoted to learning about these mysterious things.

Trans fats come from liquid oils thanks to the process of hydrogenation. These fats have been considered the tastiest form of fat and make shelf lives of foods longer. Not only that but this type of fat is cheapest which is why so many processed foods have trans fats in them and why most of our poorer Americans are becoming larger and larger.

Despite the deliciousness of foods high in trans fat it is the least healthiest form of fat. This fat can be so damaging to the heart that it is becoming a serious issue amongst the country. To put this into perspective, eighty percent of the trans fats out there right now are from processed foods while the other 20% of the foods come naturally from meat and dairy products.

According to many doctors, it is important to keep consumption of these fatty foods as low as possible due to the dangers that these cause. Eating these foods takes us away from eating healthier foods that have immunity boosting benefits. These processed foods do not much else but fill your stomach and make you gain weight.

The proper amount of fats should be no more than thirty five percent of daily caloric intake. So, if you eat 2000 calories a day, there should only be 55 to 75 grams of fat for that particular day. These should be healthier fats, too. There are many healthy alternatives out there and this includes vegetable oils and selecting lean meats or poultry.

There are many changes that are going to be made in regards to these trans fats. They need to be replaced while maintaining the flavor that everyone loves so that the food companies do not lose business. Unfortunately, that has been proving to be a bit hard because of the long term effects of many of these alternatives (Remember Olestra?). The food makers are getting closer and closer to the answer, however.

The last thing to really bear in mind is that trans fat is NOT the only unhealthy thing in foods today. Just because the bag of chips may say they are trans fat free, doesn’t mean you should eat the whole bag. Not only that but many of the products out there that have 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving can actually be labeled at zero. We need to keep that in mind when we are having our favorite foods and really keep our servings at the proper size. It is also important to take count of the total fat, calories, and saturated fat. You could still gain a lot of weight if you think trans fats are the only problem in regards to healthy eating.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Winter Park, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Lose Weight and Snack!

Orlando Weight Loss and Snacking A fantastic ways to lose weight is to have healthy snacks that fight off the hunger that you are so used to. It is important to maintain whatever diet you select and with that you can have a few healthy snacks throughout the day to make this happen easily. There are many snacks out there that are low in fat despite how saturated we are with high fat snacks.

With such a busy life that we all lead these days, it is pretty much instinctual to want to have a snack to make sure that hunger goes away. There are many snacks out there that are low in fat so that you don’t have to disregard your diet just to make sure that you are fed. One way to enjoy a nice snack is some natural popcorn without all of the salt, butter, and sugar that is in most popcorn. It has so much fiber in it that it would help with losing weight and there are typically only 31 calories per serving.

Fruits and vegetables are also fantastic ways of snacking without gaining weight. This can help fill your stomach until it is time for dinner and it will also give you a nice boost of energy. Make sure that you change things up so things don’t get all that boring, however. It can be boring having baby carrots every day. Also, don’t be excessive with the dressings and dips as they can be very fatty too. A light fat ranch dressing may be helpful for those with cravings for dressings.

Yogurts are also pretty much the best way to go when it comes to snacking as they fill up and provide calcium and good bacteria that helps with upset stomachs amongst other things like urinary tract infections! If you want something more filling add some cereal or fruits then it will be like a mini lunch that proves to be very filling for that moment in time.
Olives are great when it comes to snacking and they are absolutely packed with vitamins and antioxidants. You can eat a good amount of olives without gaining much weight and filling your tummy in the process. Don’t forget that you can do many things to make them exciting such as adding lemon juice or herbs. However, they are typically best as they are. So, enjoy those to get through the work day.

There are a lot of other low fat treats that you can dig into such as rice cakes, jerky, nuts, and jello. Enjoying a nice low fat snack will give you a good boost. Also, it is best to drink more water than sodas as they are also very fattening. If you lean towards juices, make sure that they are 100% juice because the more natural the better. There are so many things to keep in mind but hopefully this provides a bit of a relief in regards to snacking. Many people think they should cut back on their intake of food, which means no snacking but that is simply not the truth.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Lake Mary, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

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