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TrackShack’s Celebration of Running 5K

Celebration of RunningTrackShack and Florida Hospital are hosting their annual “Celebration of Running 5K,” with this year becoming the magical 20th year in existence.

The event takes place this Saturday at Loch Haven Park, on East Princeton Street. Registration is open now at and costs only $28 for adults 18 to 64. Outside those ages, the registration is a mere $15. There are sixteen different age brackets with which to place and win awards. At the very least, you will get a cool t-shirt, commemorating the event.

The race begins at 7:30am, so make sure you’ve gotten a full nights sleep and have a healthy, energy filled breakfast. Click HERE to view the course map and check out this video below:

Exercising Before Work? Absolutely!

FitSugarFitness gurus over at have written up five excellent reasons to exercise in the morning before work. While just about everyone loves to slap the SNOOZE button for that extra fifteen minutes, why not get up a little earlier and break a sweat? Here’s the argument put forth by FitSugar:

1. It’s usually a peaceful, quiet time of day, so it can be a great opportunity to think and get some time alone.

2. Exercising in the morning can help wake up your brain, clear your mind, and help you organize your thoughts or your mental to-do list for the day.
Continue reading “Exercising Before Work? Absolutely!”

28th Annual Beat the Heat 5k Road Race!

28th Beat the HeatJCC of Greater Orlando will be hosting a 5K walk/run on July 21st in Maitland, Florida. The designated course starts and ends at the JCC Maitland Campus, located at 851 North Maitland Avenue. The course is flat for the entire race and passes along Lake Sybelia for a great view as you run.

The race will be scored by Track Shack using ChronoTrack. When you pick up your race packet number, the ChronoTrack tag will be attached to the race number. Do not remove until just before the race. Instructions will be included with your race packet on how to attach the tag to your shoe. The ChronoTrack timing tag is disposable and will not be collected at the finish line.

You can sign up to participate at the JCC of Greater Orlando website, with registration at $20 before race day, and $25 on the day of the race.

Reducing Obesity in Central Florida Kids

ROCKChild obesity is a large concern for many parents in Central Florida. Eating healthy and being active are the primary methods to keeping kids fit and allowing them to maintain healthy habits for the rest of their lives. That is the goal of ROCK, a regional consortium that is joining organizations with families and kids in an effort to prevent, reduce and eliminate childhood obesity and promote healthy choices. Continue reading “Reducing Obesity in Central Florida Kids”

Run4Dreams 5K in Reunion, Florida

Sunshine Foundation Run4DreamsThe Sunshine Foundation Dream Village will be hosting a 5K walk/run on May 21st in Reunion, Florida. This event is special because it benefits the Dream Village, a 22-acre “permanent oasis for families to escape hospitals and needles, if only for a short time.” The fairytale themed settlement started in 1989 and has been home to 15,156 children in that time.

The Sunshine Foundation is hoping to raise $15,000 with the 5K walk/run, which will also be fairytale themed, as participants are given the option to run in costume as their favorite childhood hero. Prizes will be awarded for male, female, and youth costumed runners. Sign up to participate at the Run4Dreams website, with registration at $25 for adults and $10 for children.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Running

Running OutdoorsPerry Romanowski has invented a new exercise technique that incorporates long distance running with juggling, culminating with: joggling. Perry labels himself as “The Average Joggler,” and his blog shows new and interesting ways to exercise both your body and your mind–juggling requires focus and concentration.

In his “Indoor Running versus Outdoor Running” post, Perry discusses some of the benefits he has seen while joggling both on indoor running tracks at large fitness centers, and in the beautiful outdoors. While he is a joggler, his points apply to traditional running or jogging as well.

If you’d like to take up joggling, it takes three bean bags and some practice, but you can always keep to your regular fitness routine as well.

Diets for Kids?

Wii FamilyCarmen Stacier, Chief Mom at poses an interesting question to parents: “Should You Put a Child on a Diet?” Her short answer is, yes. Here’s what she means:

I’m not advocating starting your eight year old in the Weight Watchers plan, packing the lunchbox with Slim-Fast shakes and enrolling your daughter in a prepared meal plan. I’m also not advocating counting calories with your child, focusing on the number on the scale, or instructing her on weighing out her meals. Rather, I want to talk about helping your child to be healthy, and in some cases, this does mean keeping an eye on her weight.

She first considered putting her 6-year-old daughter on a diet after a pediatric checkup. “Rather than ignoring the reality of a child getting heavy in the name of letting your child relax and enjoy their childhood, I think it’s a far more realistic approach to begin healthy habits.” Portion control and indoor fitness activities, such as the Wii, has helped Carmen teach her daughter healthier habits.


Learn The Truth About Weight Loss

weight lossMany people have a variety of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. For many in Orlando, we find that we hear a variety of old wives tales, different stories on how people lost the weight and kept it off, but generally, these do not hold true. It does not matter if you mean to go through an intensive training program or if you plan on seeking out Orlando medical weight loss, you?re going to hear some of these, and quite a number of them can be debunked rather easily. It won?t do you much good to hold onto things that just aren?t true when it comes to your own personal weight loss journey. Continue reading “Learn The Truth About Weight Loss”

Lose Weight Without A Diet

weight lossWhen you think of summertime in Orlando two words probably instantly spring to mind:? “hot” and “humid”.? Yes, Florida exemplifies the classic characteristics of a humid subtropical climate.? The blistering heat combined with the heavy, damp air can be pretty uncomfortable for even the most heat-tolerant individuals.? For those who are overweight, the hot and humid Floridian summers can be almost unbearable.? If you are overweight and living in or near Orlando medical weight loss can be your solution to beating the discomfort of summer. Continue reading “Lose Weight Without A Diet”

Work That Fat Off

weight lossComing into the summer season, many in Orlando and everywhere else are looking into new ways to get fit and get into shape. Whether you are looking at a weight loss plan on your own or perhaps having a look at Orlando medical weight loss, there are so many options out there it can be a bit baffling. However, one key component of any weight loss plan seems to be motivation. How do you keep the motivation to keep with whatever plan you are working with?

There are very few things that people have as much in common with when it comes to weight loss as motivation. Staying motivated is hard, particularly because weight loss is a process that takes time. You have to really have a tenacious attitude if you want to see the real results. Most people know how to lose weight, but it can be most difficult to continue on the path you?ve set out for yourself and stay motivated. There are a few key factors in this, and ways to help encourage your own weight loss plans. Continue reading “Work That Fat Off”

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