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Do You Have The Perfect Body?

weight lossThere is no denying that weight and body image are a major issue in modern society.? We are inundated with the message that being overweight is a bad thing, from an early age through television, magazines, and other outlets.? We all know that obesity is a significant health problem.? As if that weren’t bad enough, we are also constantly bombarded with images of the “perfect body type” that can instill feelings of inadequacy and depression.

It is obvious:? being overweight is bad for your health (both physical and emotional).? When you are overweight you just don’t feel as good as you could – as good as you want to.? But what is the solution?? Undoubtedly you have tried to diet in the past.? You may have even joined a gym with the intention of exercising more. Continue reading “Do You Have The Perfect Body?”

Medical Weight Loss For Floridians

weight lossObesity is a major problem in America.? The medical community has known for many, many years that excess body fat puts a person at risk for major health problems.? Obesity can significantly lower your quality of life and your life expectancy.? Orlando medical weight loss specialist have made it their mission to help Floridians combat obesity.

Nowhere is weight loss more important than in the subtropical climate of Florida.? The heat and humidity that are typical of Florida deliver a one-two punch to those carrying even a little bit of extra weight.? Being overweight in Florida is more than just a health risk, it can have a massive impact on all aspects of your life – from what activities you can comfortably engage in to how often you leave the comfort of your air-conditioned home.

Unfortunately, it is a lot easier to talk about losing weight than it is to actually do it.? In fact, losing weight can be one of the hardest things that a person ever does.? Because it is so difficult, there is a major temptation to try to take short cuts.

Sadly, there are not safe short cuts to weight loss.? Crash dieting is unhealthy and ineffective.? Most of the weight lost is water weight.? The actual body fat that is lost usually comes back quickly after the diet is stopped.? This leads to the need for repeat or yo-yo dieting which can lead to major health problems.

Crash diets simply are not effective.? Neither are weight loss pills.? Why?? Because once you stop the weight comes back.? This happens because you haven’t addressed all of the causes of obesity, you have only addressed the symptom: excess body fat.

Only medical weight loss programs can teach you how to effectively lose weight and keep that weight off for the rest of your life.? Medical weight loss is a multifaceted approach to weigh loss that addresses the immediate issue of losing weight as well as the long-term issue of making the lifestyle changes necessary to stay fit and healthy for years to come.? For those in the Orlando area, Orlando medical weight loss specialists are dedicated to meeting the specific needs of Floridians battling obesity.

Losing weight is too important to risk failing at.? Every year you continue to live overweight is a year you put yourself at unnecessary risk of heart disease, diabetes and other life-threatening medical problems.? Orlando medical weight loss clinics are open to help Floridians conquer their weight issues effectively and safely.

Orlando medical weight loss specialist can teach you how to eat right instead of eating less.? They can teach you how to make simple lifestyle changes that will help you live healthier and keep the body fat off.? Most of all, they can offer the encouragement and support you need to beat obesity.

No one should have to face such an important task alone.? Orlando medical weight loss professionals are dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier lives.? Don’t suffer through another hot and humid summer carrying extra weight.? Don’t risk another fad diet.? Contact your local Orlando medical weight loss professionals to find out how you can finally lose those extra pounds for good.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Casselberry, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Losing Weight Is Fun

weight loss dietMany who seek out Orlando medical weight loss are also looking for ways to boost their routine and make weight loss fun. Here are a few great ideas so that your weight loss activities don?t end up boring. Make sure you move on out of your comfort zone, give something new a try and you will find that weight loss can be a great deal more fun- specifically in the Orlando area where there are many great activities you can try.

Have you ever watched kids playing and having fun? The things they do don?t seem like such a chore because they are having fun. Children at play are a great example of how to have fun and get fit- because they just do it naturally by having fun and this gets their daily activities needs met. Running is an excellent way to lose weight, especially if you have kids to play with as well. Run, climb, squat and have a great time burning calories while you reach your fitness goals. You might also try challenging a friend to a game- tennis, soccor, basketball, pretty much any sport you choose is going to be a fun, friendly way to compete but also to lose weight.

Having a picnic at the park can also be a great way to lose weight. Packing healthy foods and walking through a park or a beach to find just that perfect spot can be a great calorie burner, particularly if you follow up with a bike ride, a swim or even more walking.

Try Zumba! Zumba is quickly catching on as a fun way to lose weight by dancing your way to better health. Beginners courses make this new, fun cardio work out a breeze to learn and classes generally advance as you grow in skill. There are also numerous walking clubs that you can join, or even sign on for a charity walking event. If you don?t feel comfortable dancing in front of others, you can always just turn up the radio or a cd and dance at home. This is both a great way to improve your mood and help you stick to a great activity for healthy weight loss.

Hiking is another great activity that is both fun and fit- the newest craze of geocaching turns a hike into a fun, fast paced treasure hunt that can be done with groups for added fun. This takes the focus away from the exercise itself and makes the trip seem eventful and exciting. You usually walk for several hours and before you know it the day is done and you?ve burnt twice as many calories than if you had stayed at home to do it on a treadmill.

Reward yourself. At the end of a day of great activity, have a nice long soak in a hot bath and congratulate yourself on being fit and active. It?s important to keep your motivations up in any weight loss plan, particularly if you are taking on activity after having lived a sedentary lifestyle.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Oviedo, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Eat Smart and Lose Weight

weight loss mealsDon?t worry about short term weight loss when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. If a diet pushes your body into starvation mode, you will find that it is not your long term solution. There are a number of places in Orlando where you can find good advice and support in your journey to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss that lasts is only done in a well planned, well supported way.

Reducing your fat intake is the first step, adding a simple plan for activity in your daily life will help even more. Your body can then begin to burn the fat that it has stored and you will then see your health begin to improve. Start considering things in different terms, and stop thinking about things as ?diet? or otherwise negative implications- begin to think about solid, more positive life style changes instead.

Once you begin to think about reducing the fat in your diet, and burning it as well, there are a variety of resources around for weight loss that can help you. Find our what your daily recommended allowance for fat is going to be so that you can research more effectively. Then begin thinking in terms of counting things- you don?t have to do this excessively but be mindful of what your intake is, and where you want it to be. Here are a few great foods to bring into your diet so that you aren?t feeling deprived and hungry, but rather, choosing healthier, leaner options:

  • pasta, rice, reduced fat granola
  • whole meal, high-fiber, assorted bread and rolls
  • fruit and vegetables
  • sorbets, low-fat ice-cream and fat free yogurt
  • jams, jelly, marmalades, maple syrup and honey
  • low-fat and skim milk products
  • assorted cereals avoiding toasted muesli
  • popcorn (air-popped)
  • oatmeal
  • white fish and shell-fish
  • chicken breast and low-fat cuts of red meat
  • canned baked beans and spaghetti
  • tomato, soy, barbecue sauces and vinegar

By utilizing lower fat, leaner foods you will find that your weight loss journey is a whole lot easier for you- there is no need to deprive yourself, just try something different, and exercise a little portion control. Hydration will also help you to make sure that your body is using the nutrients you are taking in more effectively as well.

Remember that there are a wide variety of resources both online and off to help you reach your weight loss goals. You can find any manner of fat counters, dietary fat intake guides and other information out there which will make your road much easier. Keep track of your weight loss in a diet diary, and be sure to begin with your diet prior to making the changes, detailing your information as you make changes. This will enable you to pay attention and see your goals begin to manifest, keeping you organized and on track as you work towards a much healthier you.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Lake Mary, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Can't Lose Weight?

weight loss planEveryone wants to look and feel their very best. We have discovered that there are a number of reasons that many people find that their diet programs fail. Examining a few of these reasons can help you to better understand that you are not alone. Whether you are seeking out a new diet and work out plan, or if perhaps you are looking into Orlando medical weight loss, one or more of these reasons may have been a roadblock for you.

  • The plateau. Everyone?s been there before. You start a great new diet and work out plan and you see results, then suddenly, you stop, or worse, you begin to gain weight again. This can happen for a variety of reasons- but predominantly this is due to exercise. This isn?t a bad thing- either there isn?t enough physical activity going into the plan, or the physical activity begins to build muscle. So, while you may not be losing weight, you might be gaining muscle mass, which is actually beneficial to your goals. If you aren?t as physically active as you should be, have a look at this if you hit a plateau and consider adding a bit more activity to your daily routine.
  • Deprivation. Often, when someone is on a very structured diet plan they get to a point where they feel deprived. This is something that can be effectively combatted through finding the exact diet plan that suits your lifestyle and you needs. At our Orlando medical weight loss facility, we understand that different people have very different likes and dislikes, and we strive to structure diet plans accordingly.
  • Losing the weight but not keeping it off- or yo yo dieting. In many diet plans, the calories are cut too severely. This makes for a great short term weight loss, sure, however, if this is not a lifelong commitment to keeping healthy, you find that yo yo dieting begins to become an unhealthy habit. Making sure that you realize that weight loss is a lifelong commitment to continuing a healthy lifestyle once the weight is off- is vital to keeping it off.
  • Getting discouraged. If you don?t have the support you need, or perhaps you just gave in when temptation came calling- this is a big stumble for many when it doesn?t have to be. The occasional slip up will happen in any diet, and understanding that and having a great support and foundation for your goals can help this.
  • Isolation.? With so many social settings involving or even being set around food- it can feel pretty hard to make it through without some practical dieting strategies. Fortunately, many restaurants now offer lower calorie or diet specific foods in special menu sections. Also, never be afraid to ask for the lower calorie version of many of your favorite foods. Often, this means asking for roasted or baked, instead of fried.
  • Competition and unrealistic goals. Working with some diet plans you may feel discouraged because the advertisements you have seen show those dropping vast amounts of weight in very little time- well, there?s a reason that the disclaimer says ?results not typical?. Everyone is different and every body type is going to take it?s own time to lose the weight. Be sure you are understanding of your own body?s needs and allow yourself to go at your own pace with someone who is educated and understands that as well.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the St Cloud, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Misconceptions About Weight Loss

There are a number of commonly held misconceptions about weight loss?that people have. More often than not, these things can derail perfectly good intentions and set weight plans back. Here, we’ll define these common myths and misconceptions so that you can avoid them in your healthy weight loss plan. High Protein, Low Carb Diet, the truth and the lie:

As of yet, nobody really knows what the long term health impacts of these diets are. The truth is, though, that getting most of your daily calories from high-protein foods like cheese, meat, and eggs is not a balanced way to eat and it is not healthy. Eating this way can actually increase your heart attack risk, increasing fat and cholesterol. Leaving out whole grains, fruits and vegetables can also cause constipation and cause you to feel nauseated, tired and weak. Eating too little carbohydrates can cause a strong build up of partially broken down fats known as ketones in your blood, leading to ketosis, a condition which can cause gout and kidney stones.

The Starch Stop:
The truth about starches is this- everything in moderation. Many people assume that because starches are bad, and try to avoid them when in weight loss programs, but in fact, when in proper portions, starches are actually a beneficial part of a really healthy lifestyle. Another area where starches get a bad rap, is when people pile on toppings and other additives. Whole grains, pastas, rices and beans are actually incredibly good for you, and a very important source of energy that your body needs to burn fat and process calories properly.

Fad Food Diets:
Grapefruit, lemons and any other food you can name will not help you lose weight by themselves, they do not burn fat. No food burns fat- some may contain so much caffeine that they temporarily speed up your metabolism, but no food product actually burns fat. While there may be supplements on the market that can help, or doctor prescribed medications- food is not going to burn fat. The weight lost in these diets is usually due to a sudden decrease in caloric intake- but, once starvation mode kicks in, the weight comes back. The best way to burn fat is to cut your calories and engage in a more active lifestyle.

Fasting is Fast, But Bad
Skipping meals is never advisable, and it is definitely not advisable when you’re trying to lose weight. Studies have actually proven that people who eat breakfast, and have other, small meals four and five times a day tend to weigh less than those who skip meals. One of the potential reasons for this is that whenever someone skips a meal, they feel hungrier later on and usually do not make a good food choice when they break the fast or finally do eat, and also may have a tendency to binge. Also, eating smaller portions more often stops hunger in its tracks, before it has a chance to get to the point where you feel you have to ingest more, cutting back on caloric intake.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Casselberry, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Healthier Breakfasts

We all know that in a weight loss program, breakfast becomes even more important as it will stave off hunger and prevent mid morning snacking. However, there are some right ways to do breakfast and there are ways that can derail your weight loss plans for the day before they even begin. Here are a few great ways to make sure that your breakfast is as healthy as it should be and that it doesn’t cause problems for your weight loss plans.

Don’t overdo the juice- yes, juice is one of the most healthy things you can drink when you’re on a weight loss plan however, it too contains calories. Healthy as they may be, those calories can add up very quickly. Better alternatives are to simply eat the fruit that you would be drinking, or to have a big glass of water prior to every 8 ounces of juice you drink. You’ll fill up faster and hydrate yourself at the same time. Juice has another downfall- it can cause your blood sugar to elevate and this promotes an insulin response in stimulating your appetite. So, one or two small cups, at best is probably fine.

Never, ever go to the drive through. Donuts and even so called healthy breakfast choices at the drive through should not even be on your radar. Instead, opt for healthier and less expensive at home breakfasts like whole grain toast and bagels or a bowl of unsweetened cereal with fruit. Think healthy, rather than convenient, and realize that those high fat quick picks also do nothing for your energy level, let alone your weight loss plan.

If you must have breakfast at a restaurant, there are a few key things to remember- if you want breakfast meat alongside your eggs, go for Canadian bacon instead of sausage or strip bacon. Say no to the sides- hash browns and home fries are mostly empty calories which won’t do much for your energy level, but can derail a good diet plan very quickly. Also remember that it is okay to ask for substitutions and most restaurants have no problems letting you substitute whole eggs for just the whites.

Go for all fruit instead of jams. All fruit jellies and spreads are a wonderful sweet treat that doesn’t really pack a huge caloric punch. In addition, if you skip the margarine or butter and simply use the spread it can be a tasty way to cut more calories while still enjoying a breakfast that will give you some get up and go.

Egg white omelettes are awesome. If you are looking for a bigger breakfast that still tastes like a heavy calorie number without being so, egg white omelettes are a great choice. Pile them full of low fat cheeses and fresh veggies for an additionally nutritious power breakfast alongside whole wheat toast. There are many variations you can choose from with omelettes, so you aren’t likely to get bored any time soon.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Leesburg, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Gotha Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Seven Weight Loss Secrets

Here are just a few tips from people who, like yourself have decided to get on a weight loss plan and who have found success and met their goals. These tips are quite helpful and many people find them to be beneficial in a weight loss program.

First and foremost, you have to feel like you want to lose weight in order to do so. All too often, this is done to please someone else, but the motivation has to be all your own.

When making any big lifestyle change, you must be sure that your motivation comes from within and that you really are ready. It does not really matter what has worked for others- it has to be all you and what you are comfortable with.

Don’t get caught up in a cycle of self doubting and blame. Whether you intend to lose five pounds or fifty pounds, it can be a bit of a struggle at times. Once you fail initially, it does not mean that your weight loss plan is over- you just need to understand you made a poor choice and move on. Being patient with yourself is a very important part of an overall weight loss program that many people don’t really take into account, leaving them frustrated and sometimes depressed.

Avoid triggers. If initially you feel that in some situations you may overeat or you may eat things you know that you shouldn’t- there is nothing wrong with simply avoiding those situations for a time. Additionally, you can find other options in snacking when at events, parties and restaurants that will keep you and your weight loss plan on track.

Get the support you need. You have to make sure that you are surrounding yourself with people who are really wanting to help you succeed. Sometimes, even our best friends can be our worst enemies when it comes to weight loss efforts and knowing who will be supportive and who may not be is best. This is also where a work out buddy can come in handy as well.

Think about ways to reward your efforts for your goals- different nonfood items or things that you would like. Make plans to treat yourself when you have been doing well and be sure that you are congratulating yourself regularly on your successes.

Make sure that you have healthy options all around you. If you have to, toss out any high calorie, low nutrition snacks and really give your kitchen and pantry a make over. Don’t forget to make sure that you have healthy alternatives to your favorite snack foods, and that you have foods available for regular snacking.

Set smaller goals rather than big ones. If your weight loss plan includes a great deal of loss, sometimes it is much better to take it in five or ten pound increments. Be sure that you are focusing more on where you’d like to be in just a month at a time and this will help you to stay motivated and focused.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Ocoee, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Why is Yo Yo Dieting Bad?

For many, yo yo dieting is a way of life. Great periods of weight loss that have them riding high on reaching the goals they have set, followed by vast periods of lows where weight returns can sometimes lead to depression and worse. Sometimes, this is caused by getting caught in a cycle- at times, eating in very healthy ways, other times, binge eating and this all comes together in a recipe for disaster. Other times, this is the result of setbacks becoming more long term.

Finding a great diet that you really feel makes sense and coupling it with a good level of physical activity, only to find that you have a slip up tends to be a common trait in yo yo dieting. The problem with that is- one slip does not have to derail your entire weight loss plan, but all too often it does. Finding ways around triggers that lead to backsliding is one of the things that many people do not think about prior to engaging in a weight loss plan- and one of the biggest reasons they find themselves caught in the unhealthy pattern of a yo yo dieter. Another issue is with fad dieting- it seems every six months a new miracle weight loss cure comes along, and people get hopeful, only to find that they still slip, even on the new diet. This is actually more normal than people realize.

There are serious health risks to yo yo dieting. It’s easy to think that there aren’t- after all, many celebrities in this day and age experience vastly publicized weight gains and losses. It’s easy to see why people would find this to be normal, given that focus- but, it is neither normal nor is it healthy. For starters, yo yo dieting can lead to a shortened lifespan, diabetes, liver problems, loss of muscle, metabolic disorders, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and a number of other issues- and, many of those actually will cause the dieter to end up more overweight to say the least. Unfortunately, the media doesn’t really show those impacts, instead, sort of normalizing what is actually an incredibly unhealthy eating pattern. If you find that you have lost weight only to gain it back more than once or twice- you may have a yo yo dieting problem that you need to address before it causes you long term health related problems.

The best way to counter yo yo dieting is by changing your lifestyle on the whole. If you think about weight in terms of the psychological aspects- the tie ins are obvious and something that most people just will not address. There is no real way to lose a great deal of weight without changing your life on the whole and addressing poor eating habits and activity levels and changing them for the better. However- this can often be much easier than people realize and lead them on a much healthier path to weight loss than yo yo dieting and embracing fad diets as they come along only to gain the weight back and then some.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Windermere, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Losing Pregnancy Pounds

Most mothers look forward to getting back into their pre-pregnancy clothes, only to find that it is a long journey towards weight loss at a time where they don’t feel like they have time to breathe, let alone develop a weight loss plan. However, this is a pretty normal thing for many, and it is something that with a little time and effort, and some smart tips, can be done.

If you aren’t thinking about breastfeeding your baby, you may want to rethink that position. Not only is breastfeeding the most beneficial way to feed a newborn, there are benefits to the mother, as well. When a mother is pregnant, the body begins to store extra layers of fat- these stores are intended to enable the mother to breastfeed. Breastfeeding burns more calories than most work out plans, and the body knows this and gears itself up for that. When a mother does not breastfeed post partum, these layers of fat are much more difficult to burn off.

Healthy eating for a new mother is priority, though, breastfeeding or not. Adjusting to a new life with a newborn can be an emotionally and physically trying time. Hormonal changes make these adjustments even harder- eating on a schedule can help this. Fruits and vegetables are the snack of choice, helping to maintain a healthy eating habit and provide energy for a new mother- but it is also a great way to foster weight loss. If you do lapse into the all too common eating whenever you can, as opposed to making time to eat, you are more likely to just grab whatever is handy- and usually what ever is handy is not the healthiest choice.

Hydration is also a key element for new mother weight loss. Being able to flush the body of toxins, and help you feel your best while you are busy- water is a powerful choice in any weight loss plan. However, it is especially important for new mothers who will be trying to maintain adequate energy levels while caring for a newborn.

This may sound more difficult than it actually is- but making sure that you are getting enough rest during the post partum months is also pretty important to weight loss. When the body does not get enough rest, it is much harder for it to function efficiently- this means it cannot burn the calories and fat that it needs to. Being able to sleep whenever the baby sleeps, or whenever you are given the chance rather than getting up to make sure other things are done is an important part of early motherhood, whether you are trying to lose weight or not.

When you are in the post partum months, also consider that many of the routine activities in caring for a newborn infant burn alot of calories. That late night pacing the baby back to sleep takes care of quite a few, as does walking with a stroller or sling. Go easy on yourself, and you will find yourself back in your prepregnancy clothes in no time.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Longwood, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

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