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Weight Management Programs: A Good New Year’s Resolution?

Weight Management Programs. We hear a lot about them, but are they really worth the time and money it takes to follow one to the letter? Better yet, are they worth joining as part of your New Year’s Resolution to lose weight?



Weight Management Programs can get a lot of undue flak, especially in the clinical field. The reason for this is because so many of the clinical weight loss programs only provide patients pills and heavy bills. Not so with Svelte MD.

You see, our program goes beyond simply popping a pill and calling it a day. While we do use medication as part of our program, we do so only as one step — it’s only one piece of a larger puzzle. Our specialists will keep track of your BMI, as well as your weight, and will develop meal plans, exercise routines, and more. The result is a wholly personal experience, and one that is designed to provide healthy, safe weight loss.



At the end of the day, weight loss programs are only as effective as you allow them to be. Even with a program like ours, if you do not dedicate yourself to changing the necessary problems you can control, no kind of regimen will help you lose weight.

Perhaps, when we get right down to it, you should make a different resolution for 2012…



This should be the communal resolution for all of us who need to manage our weight. It’s not enough to say we want to lose weight, or to enroll in a weight loss program. We need to truly want to lose weight. We need to want to lose weight more than we want that promotion, or a date with that cute guy at the gym.


Instead of making a resolution to join a weight loss program, make the resolution to want to lose weight. Get yourself mentally and emotionally prepared to do this. Once you’re ready to commit, follow the instructions on our homepage and let Svelte MD help you make good on your New Year’s resolution.

2012’s Top 10 Ways To Stay Svelte

Pretty soon we’ll be leaving 2011 behind. 2012 is on its way, and most of us would like to ring in the New Year in as best shape as possible. Whether you are planning ahead for 2013, or you’d simply like to remain thin and healthy for the upcoming year, we’ve got a list of the Top 10 Ways to Stay Svelte in 2012!



As most any one can tell you, Cardio is some of the best exercise our bodies can receive. Whether you’re planning on riding your bike instead of driving, walking around the neighborhood after dinner, or simply running for a few minutes on a treadmill, Cardio is the quickest means of keeping your weight in check.



Swimming pools aren’t just for kids in the summer time. If you want to find a great workout, look no further than your own back yard (or Recreation Center). Swimming pools provide for a myriad of ways to work out our bodies, from exercising the muscles in our arms and legs to providing one of the most intense cardiovascular work-outs around. Better yet, swimming is fun — what better way to inspire weight loss?



If you are looking for a way to get the whole family whipped into shape, look no further than… video games? While it might sound unrealistic, many video games are being developed that make fitness fun. Perhaps you won’t lose weight strictly by playing the copious games out there, you will have fun while training yourself to engage in more physical activities. With titles like Zumba, Wii Fit, and Dance Central families with any video game console can learn fun, addictive exercises for the whole family.


07) DIET

So you’re already exercising pretty regularly, but you don’t notice any changes? More than likely you should look to what you’re eating. Part of weight management is reconciling how much of something you eat, but many people often forget that what you eat matters most. The key to a healthy diet is to balance your diet, and to moderate your habits before they get out of control. You don’t have to stop eating Cupcakes altogether — just eat fewer, and less often.



Sodas are some of the worst things you can put into your body. Never mind what the sugar and carbonation do to our teeth, sodas are also the largest culprit when it comes to contributing to our empty fats and sugars. As the fat in sodas serves no health benefit it gets left in our stomachs — one of the most complained about problem areas. If you have a spare tire you are desperate to get rid of, put down the soda and have some water instead.



This is so well known I shouldn’t even have to mention it, but excuses always nullify this common-sense tip. I know most of us have jobs that make it difficult — or near impossible — to prepare healthy meals throughout the day. I doubt that this will change in 2012, so let’s start making a difference ourselves. Pre-prepare meals before heading off to work. This can be done each night before bed, and can consist of simple meals using simple ingredients.



Weight loss relies on persistence. You won’t get into shape over night, so stop expecting too much too soon. If you’re not seeing results as quickly as you’d like, don’t give up. Maybe even step up your routine slightly, and see if that makes any difference. Whatever you do, stay persistent.



Some of the best results are being achieved by people who join classes at their local gyms, or recreation centers. Programs such as Yoga, Zumba, and even dance classes are sweeping the nation in 2011. Given their popularity, as well as their results, expect this trend to grow in 2012.



Many of us exercise, but only when we can find the time. As hectic as life can be, it would do us well to create a regular exercise routine that we can stick with. Even if it’s something as simple as doing crunches while watching your favorite television show — whatever it is, stick with it.



We’re #1? Of course we are! At Svelte, our specialists will actually go so far as to help you stay on top of your weight. We do this by providing personally developed diet plans, exercise routines, as well as give you the necessary diet medications and encouragement necessary to stay in shape. We have programs for adults and teens, and we do what most other Weight Management Specialists don’t: We provide results.

Make an appoint to meet with us today. All you have to do is follow the instructions on our homepage, and you, too, can start of 2012 with promising results.

The Skinny on Bariatric Doctors

In the realm of weight management specialists, Bariatric Doctors are  men and women who focus on the surgical aspect and methods connected with weight loss. They tend to shy away from patients suffering only from moderate obesity, as that can be resolved more easily by exercise, eating healthy, and taking mild medication. As such, they more often provide their services to patients with heavy to extreme obesity.

The Services Bariatric Doctors Provide

Given the nature of their field, bariatric doctors offer surgical solutions for curing extreme obesity. The most common bariatric surgery is the Lap Band procedure. During this time, a bariatric surgeon makes an incision along the patient’s abdomen, through which they insert a “lap band” around the upper portion of the stomach. This causes patients to become fuller faster, as the band creates a “smaller” stomach that can hold much less food than an average stomach. This technique is great for long-term weight loss, as it forces the patient to eat less.

Other surgeries that bariatric doctors perform include:

  • Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD): Much like the lap-band procedure, this involves surgical means of making  a smaller stomach out of a normal stomach. Where it differs is in its use of a tube that connects the intestines with the new, smaller stomach, bypassing the larger “unused” stomach and increasing absorption of nutrients from foods. Gallstones can be a common side effect of this procedure, so the bariatric doctor will likely prescribe pills or actually remove the gallbladder during BPD.
  • Endoluminal Sleeve: During this procedure, the surgeon places a 10 cm long impermeable sleeve into a patient’s intestine in order to block absorption of food in the duodenum and upper jejunum. It was originally tested on rats, and led to results showing that they ate 30% less food and lost 20% more weight than rats who weren’t given the treatment. In humans, it has been discovered that patients in the Netherlands showed a decrease of 5.5 BMI points in 3 months.


Why Pick a Bariatric Doctor?

Bariatric Doctors are great tools to be used by any one with severe obesity that might not otherwise be remedied through a change in diet or exercise. They are the doctors who handle patients that are at an extremely high risk for more severe health issues, most notably heart dysfunctions due to their drastic obesity.

If you are not considered to be at such a high risk, you would more than likely benefit the services of a general weight management specialist — be it a nutrition, or general practice doctor.

Surviving Thanksgiving – Weight Management For The Holidays

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and food. The extravagant meals cause joy and anticipation for most people; however, for many of us it elicits fear and dread. How can those of us wrestling with weight management issues enjoy our Thanksgiving meals without feeling guilty?

What Can Svelte Do To Help?

One of the biggest pitfalls concerning Thanksgiving is avoiding overindulgence. It’s hard to look at the spread of seasonal foods and not overeat, especially when your friends and family surround you. After all, you want to have a good time and take part in the festivities.

At Svelte, we prescribe you appetite medication that helps you eat less, as well as help you to feel satisfied sooner. This way, you can still enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without overindulging. You’ll eat just enough to make you full, and not a morsel more.

Rely Upon Friends’ and Family’s Support

However, if you have not yet signed up for our program there is one extremely useful tool that Thanksgiving provides that can be taken advantage of: Your family and friends. Before sitting down for your meal, make sure to let every one know that you are trying to control your weight. Inform them that you are extremely dedicated, and for them to help out in any way they can.

As loved ones, your family and friends will support you 100% on your journey. You can count on them to make sure you do not overeat, or that you maintain a healthy regimen by cutting out dessert, as well as help you monitor your portions. Family is the best resource we have so use it.

Prepare Smarter Meals

While Thanksgiving is known for its heavy portions and rich foods, if you’re trying to manage your weight it is important to take personal steps toward success. Possibly the best step to take would be to research and prepare a healthy meal for the holiday. Break convention by introducing healthy, low-calorie dishes using some of the same seasonal ingredients.

For instance, instead of preparing a whole turkey, prepare just a simple Turkey Breast. Slice it thinly so that there is plenty to share, but also allows for the portions to remain small and reasonable. Don’t use stuffing, as it’s filled mostly with carbs, and prepare a more health-conscious dessert like baked apples with cinnamon instead of Pumpkin Pie.

With some ingenuity and a little research, you’ll manage to make delicious yet light Thanksgiving dishes that will please every one. Best yet, you don’t have to worry about eating too much.


If you’re concerned about gaining too much weight after Thanksgiving, try us out. Simply fill out the form on our homepage to receive a consultation today!


Dr. Bragg’s Revolutionary Weight Management Programs

We understand that choosing the right weight management program is an important decision. After all, there are so many specialists out there, all offering their own methods, how are you sure what to expect when walking into our office? We only provide programs developed by Dr. Bragg himself, all of which have met great praise from clients — as well as professionals in the industry. You won’t find these programs anywhere else.

What Is The Program?

Dr. Bragg’s proprietary program involves a weekly injection of all natural vitamins and amino acids. This mixture lowers Insulin levels, which cause the body to burn fat before burning sugars. This ensures that exercise will do more than it would have. The program also calls for the use of appetite medication(s), developed to help curb your appetite in a healthy manner that does not require starvation.

The cost of the program involves an initial fee of $260, but this first visit includes: Medical History, Limited Exam, Blood Pressure, Weight, Body Fat Measurements, EKG, Blood Work, Injection, 1 month supply of a fat burner, Vitamins, and a 1 week prescription for appetite medication.  Each week after that costs $75 dollars, and covers Blood Pressure, Weight, Body Fat Measurements, weekly injection, and a 1 week prescription of appetite medication.

But What if I am Diabetic/Vegetarian/Want to Put My Child on the Program?

Dr. Bragg has a specially developed program for those suffering with Diabetes. It is similar to the regular program, but involves dramatically lowering your sugar readings. Your blood pressure is monitored every weeks, and the physician in charge will taper off any blood pressure medication(s) you may be on.

There is also a program designed for those with a vegetarian lifestyle. A diet consistent with a vegetarian lifestyle will be prescribed by the physician in charge.

As for children’s programs, Dr. Bragg has developed a method for minors. A child must be at least 10 years old to be considered for treatment, and no child under 16 may be allowed to be prescribed appetite medication. This is in keeping with FDA standards and regulations. If a child is under 16, advise the doctor and alternative medications will be recommended.

Lunch and Learn Program

Svelte and Dr. Bragg hold occasional Lunch and Learn get togethers, and any one interested in weight management is encouraged to attend. Held at Svelte’s two offices in Florida, the gatherings include a healthy lunch, as well as a primer into the world of healthy weight management. Attendees will meet others in their position, learn about ways to control their weight, and are also informed as to how the programs work.


If you’re looking for reliable, safe weight management programs that promise results, contact Svelte MD today. Simply fill out the form on our homepage to receive a consultation today!

The Skinny on Medical Weight Loss

Losing weight is an uphill battle. Unfortunately some people think that the best way to win the war against gaining weight is through demanding — and often dangerous — “miracle diets”. This could not be farther from the truth. Continue reading “The Skinny on Medical Weight Loss”

Are Obesity and Breast Cancer Related?

It’s October, so it must be time for Breast Cancer awareness! This time of year serves the social duty of reminding people that breast cancer is still a major threat to millions of women (and, in some cases, men) all over the world, and that it must be fought by any means necessary. One such method for fighting breast cancer is to reminding women of the importance of weight loss.


Obesity has been discovered to play an important part in many forms of cancer, but namely in the occurrence of breast cancer. In 2001, in fact, a study provided information that pointed to obesity as being related to 25 – 30 percent of several major cancers. Inactivity in general seems to add to the problem, as well.

Another problem that obesity presents is that it makes checking for breast cancer much more difficult, hence making it almost impossible for early detection and prevention. You see, as more fat is stored in the breasts it becomes easier for cancerous growths to remain undetected by touch. It is even especially difficult to see a possible tumor as it has more fatty tissue to hide underneath.


If you are overweight it is essential to get regular mammograms, especially as you near Menopause (when women are at a higher risk for breast cancer). Mammograms are much more reliable for detecting threatening growths than self-testing, and if received regularly they play an unequaled role in the early detection of the cancer.

So please remember: Breast Cancer is a villain that must be stopped, a destroyer of families and friendships. If you are overweight, we urge you to exercise and keep a healthy diet, and to receive regular mammograms. The only way to beat breast cancer is to stay on top of it, by whatever means necessary.


When looking into safe, healthy weight management consider Svelte MD. Simply fill out the form on our homepage to receive a consultation!

Learn The Truth About Weight Loss

weight lossMany people have a variety of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. For many in Orlando, we find that we hear a variety of old wives tales, different stories on how people lost the weight and kept it off, but generally, these do not hold true. It does not matter if you mean to go through an intensive training program or if you plan on seeking out Orlando medical weight loss, you?re going to hear some of these, and quite a number of them can be debunked rather easily. It won?t do you much good to hold onto things that just aren?t true when it comes to your own personal weight loss journey. Continue reading “Learn The Truth About Weight Loss”

Lose Weight Without A Diet

weight lossWhen you think of summertime in Orlando two words probably instantly spring to mind:? “hot” and “humid”.? Yes, Florida exemplifies the classic characteristics of a humid subtropical climate.? The blistering heat combined with the heavy, damp air can be pretty uncomfortable for even the most heat-tolerant individuals.? For those who are overweight, the hot and humid Floridian summers can be almost unbearable.? If you are overweight and living in or near Orlando medical weight loss can be your solution to beating the discomfort of summer. Continue reading “Lose Weight Without A Diet”

Work That Fat Off

weight lossComing into the summer season, many in Orlando and everywhere else are looking into new ways to get fit and get into shape. Whether you are looking at a weight loss plan on your own or perhaps having a look at Orlando medical weight loss, there are so many options out there it can be a bit baffling. However, one key component of any weight loss plan seems to be motivation. How do you keep the motivation to keep with whatever plan you are working with?

There are very few things that people have as much in common with when it comes to weight loss as motivation. Staying motivated is hard, particularly because weight loss is a process that takes time. You have to really have a tenacious attitude if you want to see the real results. Most people know how to lose weight, but it can be most difficult to continue on the path you?ve set out for yourself and stay motivated. There are a few key factors in this, and ways to help encourage your own weight loss plans. Continue reading “Work That Fat Off”

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