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Find Out Why You’re Breaking Out

The only thing more frustrating than dealing with breakouts is not knowing why they occur in the first place. Are you stressed? Is it hormones? Do you just have bad luck? Understanding what can be causing your breakouts is the first step to successful acne treatment. Let’s take a look at what the most common culprits are.

Common Reasons for Breakouts

  • Your Workout Regimen- You love to exercise, and that’s great, but when sweat mixes with the oil in your pores, it can quickly lead to acne. Friction can also be a problem; if you’re wearing tight synthetic fabrics, these can rub against the skin, aggravating already present acne, trapping sweat, and clogging pores. Want to avoid all this? Shower after every workout and keep your pores clean with a body wash that contains salicylic acid.
  • You’re Picking- You can’t stand the site of those nodules, blackheads, and whiteheads, so you pick at them until they pop. It may feel satisfying for a moment, but doing this introduces more germs onto your skin and increases your chances of scarring. Inflammation can also occur, which means more breakouts.
  • You Aren’t Sleeping Enough- Trying to work those double shifts and burning the midnight oil may get you ahead career-wise, but it will likely cause a lot more breakouts. Why? Because when you don’t sleep enough, your body becomes stressed and increases the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, it produces. This hormone is a known culprit for breakouts. Get the recommended eight hours so you don’t have to deal with more breakouts than necessary.
  • You Like to Travel- Those business trips may be fun, especially if you’re in first class, but frequent fliers often experience acne breakouts. This is because the air in the plane is very dry. When the dry air makes contact with your skin, it tricks your body into producing and secreting more oil. The right moisturizer can help you avoid this problem.
  • Your Sheets Are Dirty- Remember your mom nagging you to change your sheets when you were a teenager? There was a reason. Bed linen harbors germs and bacteria that can aggravate acne and cause breakouts. Change out your sheets at least once a week and your pillow cases twice a week.
  • Your Diet- You may love that morning cup of coffee and that double fudge chocolate cake you made for tonight’s desert, but your skin certainly doesn’t. Certain foods, like dairy, peanuts, sugar, soy, and caffeine can cause breakouts to occur. Eliminating them from your diet and replacing them with water, salmon, kale, and green tea can do wonders for your skin.

Acne Treatment in Orlando

Have you tried changing your lifestyle and you’re still dealing with acne breakouts? There’s still hope yet. With the help of Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center, you can find the right acne treatment in Orlando and eliminate clogged pores, pimples, and acne. Several treatments are available, including:

  • Medical Micro-Dermabrasion- This 30 minute procedure uses crystals to remove damaged and dead cells on your face, exfoliating painlessly and gently.
  • Glycol facials- Are clogged pores causing your breakouts? Keep your skin fresh and glowing, while removing dead skin and impurities at the same time with this chemical peel.
  • V.I. Peel- This peel uses a mixture of powerful ingredients to clear acne conditions quickly and easily. Have acne scars? The V.I. Peel can reduce their appearance or eliminate them completely.

Ready to take back control of your skin? Reduce breakouts by altering your lifestyle choices and consulting Florida Vein Care for the best acne treatments in Orlando.

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