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Don't Workout In The Summer

weight loss planFor many in Orlando, spring and early summer time are fantastic times to begin a new cardio work out. The weather is balmy, but then, the hotter weather may be problematic- training safety is a must for any cardio program for weight loss. Even slight exercise in hot weather can result in dehydration so this is an important factor to take into account in your weight loss plans, particularly if you mean to bring on some outdoor cardio into the mix. Understanding that dehydration can occur when ever someone?s fluid loss results in weight loss- 1-2 percent depending on body weight. Fluid loss of more than three percent will result usually in some of the more serious heat related illnesses.

First, it is important to know the signs of dehydration: dizziness, headache, nausea, weakness, thirst and irritability are just the main signs, and most who are following an outdoor cardio plan during the summer months can avoid this by replacing the fluid they lose while working out. Water is a very vital part of any weight loss plan, anyway, so, keeping hydrated is important for both of those reasons. Make sure that you are drinking cool but not cold beverages around 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.? This will not only help keep hydrated but help to maintain proper electrolyte balance. Remember to drink at least fifteen to twenty ounces of water about two hours before your work out, and then about ten minutes prior to beginning, drink another six to ten ounces. If your work out lasts a while, be sure to drink about six to ten ounces every ten or fifteen minutes until your work out is over.

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all major concerns of those engaging in work outs during the summer months. Heat cramps are the least serious, mainly caused by fluid and electrolyte loss. These are sharp pains in the muscles that don?t diminish with time. Once you have heat cramps, it?s important to stop what you are doing and begin fluid replacement, cool down and get out of the sun. Heat exhaustion shows up as a rise in body temperature, followed by vomiting or nausea, dizziness and a headache. If you do not hydrate yourself, heat exhaustion can get worse, where a lack of coordination, cramps, and heavier sweating may be seen. Untreated heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, which is a life threatening condition which will require immediate medical attention. Tiredness, weakness, strange behavior, disorientation and confusion are the initial symptoms, which may be followed by unconsciousness. Heatstroke is where the system that monitors the body?s temperature fails, sweating will stop and the skin may be warm and dry.? Coma, seizures and death can occur if this is left untreated.

Be sure that in your weight loss plans if you are working out during the day, or out of doors, you are very careful to maintain proper hydration and avoid overheating yourself. This will enable you to avoid these complications.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Plymouth, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Weight Loss Rules

There are a few basic things to know, no matter what weight loss plan you decide to choose. Having a basic understanding of these things will make most any plan you choose work out in a better way- arming yourself with knowledge can make the whole thing seem much less intimidating. Here are a few things about weight loss and the way your body processes fats, calories and creates energy as well as how your body uses the nutrients you take in.

One of the first things that you should do is to calculate your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. The BMR is the number of calories your body needs to perform basic functions and the minimum amount you need. There are a number of online calculators for finding this number, but always bear in mind that these are not all accurate- try a few, and then go from there with a rough estimate. Once you have your BMR, the next step is to go ahead and figure out your activity levels, and how many calories you burn in the course of a normal day. You might surprise yourself. There are many different sites out there for finding these numbers, but what you are looking for is the number of calories burned with things like sitting, standing, walking and just anything you do every day. Be sure to take into account everything- most of the lists that you will find will put it down to some things you probably wouldn’t imagine were burning calories, but actually are.

The next step is to keep a food journal so that you can track the calories that you do take in- where they come from, what patterns they hold. You may surprise yourself at where some of your calories are coming from and how you don’t really think too much about those aspects of your diet. Be as down to the food as you can, keep this very accurate, and then, stack it up against your BMR, and your daily caloric expenditure. If it does turn out that you are eating more than you are burning, you can then assess where you stand and plan accordingly. If you are burning more than you eat, you will lose weight. But, bear in mind that it takes time- it takes roughly 3500 calories burned to lose a pound- but, you cannot lose all of that at once. It’s something that will build up over time. Often, people get to thinking that weight loss is such a big change that they feel it all has to happen at once- when the healthy weight loss plans usually indicate a longer term loss. Taking things step by step and mapping them out using the above tips can help you to know where you need to cut calories and how much you really should be burning on a daily basis to move towards a more healthy weight loss plan.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Goldenrod, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Healthier Eating Choices For Weight Loss

If you have decided that you want to drop a few extra holiday pounds, or you’re considering a longer term weight loss plan, there are some better choices you can make every day to help. Knowing which foods to increase your intake, which foods to eliminate all together, and which foods you can simply cut back on can be a big help. There are a few areas where you can tweak your diet a bit and make your weight loss plan sort of streamlined for better health and weight loss itself.

Bring on the fruit. Dietary Guidelines recommend two cups of fruit a day at the 2,000-calorie reference diet, which is typical. Depending on your caloric needs you will need to adjust accordingly, but this is a very basic understanding of just what a serving, or rather, two servings of fruit a day can be for you. A large orange, a fourth cup of dried peaches or apricots, or one large banana. Yes, that’s or. Getting your daily recommended allowance of fruits isn’t all that hard, and it’s a great way to enhance your weight loss plan.

Always eat a big variety- while you only actually need two cups, for the most part, bringing more fruit into your diet is a low calorie way to curb cravings and stave off hunger pangs without bringing on the calories. Fresh fruit in particular, rather than juice, is always a good bet. If you do choose juices, orange juice and prune juice are great options to increase your potassium intake.

Switch to half whole grain. Whole grains are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber-all things your body needs to not only remain healthy, but to really process the calories and fats you intake better.

The best way to spot a true “whole grain” product is, they have to list that first on the ingredients list. So, if a product claims to be whole grain but it isn’t the first? You’re not eating as healthy as you think you are. Good sources of whole grains include whole oats, wheat, oatmeal, whole grain corn, popcorn, wild and brown rice, buckwheat, whole rye, bulgar, cracked wheat, whole grain barley and millet. And again, bear in mind- you only really have to transition halfway. The typical adult needs up to three servings of grains a day- that’d be three slices of bread, two cups of cereal, or a half cup of cooked rice or pasta. Again, not as intimidating as it may seem on the outset.

Portion control is always a big issue in weight loss- and, realizing that correct portions really are not all that huge can enable you to plan meals and make choices in a healthier way. For some, the idea of three servings of grains may make them shudder to think about the carbs and calories, when in fact, three servings of grains actually doesn’t have much of either.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Altamonte Springs, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

Speed Up Metabolism For Weight Loss

Metabolism plays a big role in any weight loss plan. One way to speed up your metabolism is to make exercises a daily part of your life. Being able to engage in interval training or resistance training is a great way to give your metabolism a boost. This will have you looking and feeling great and really help you to burn many more calories than simply dieting alone. You can also include certain foods in your diet that can also aid in your weight loss goals by helping your metabolism to work much more fast and efficiently.

Foods like broccoli, celery, asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower and zucchini are great examples of metabolism boosting foods, and they are considered negative calorie foods because they require more energy to burn than the calories they contain. Some other wonderful foods for metabolism health are berries. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and the like are powerfully loaded with antioxidants and have been shown to be just as heart healthy and weight loss friendly as they are tasty. Also, including lean proteins in your diet can be a big help. Foods such as fish, chicken and types of pork are a great way to eat better, and the best way to know which foods may help your metabolism is pretty simple- these foods are usually low fat, high protein or fiber. They also typically help to make your blood sugar stable and stave off those hunger pangs.

Antioxidant packed green tea is another great natural metabolism booster. As a thermogenic, it is effective in weight loss plans due to its benefit in enabling you to burn body fat. It does contain caffeine in most cases, but there are alternatives that do not have nearly as much if this is a concern. Also, you can find a number of juices and other drinks now on the market that are antioxidant fortified that really can be a better alternative to soda, coffee and other drinks that may contain far too many calories and not nearly enough nutrients, so, this is something to pay attention to as well when you’re shopping for things to stock your drink section with.

There are other spices that can also help. ?Using ceyenne pepper, cinnamon, cumin, mint, ginger and turmeric are great for not only getting the metabolism really moving but also, they help to curb snacking and craving. Generally speaking, spicier foods are powerful weight loss foods as they typically contain less calories. Another cooking tip you may consider is to use coconut oil- studies have proven that it not only curbs appetite but it stabilizes blood sugar and slows digestion.

Including a few new foods into your diet is a great way to get your metabolism back to a healthy clip and help you to lose weight in a healthy way. There are a number of small changes you can make to the way that you buy groceries even that will enable you to eat better and enjoy yourself more while still working on a healthy weight loss plan.

If you are looking to lose 20 pounds or more and are in the Kissimmee, Florida area you need to check out Svelte?Medical Weight Loss Clinic. 7009 Dr. Phillips Blvd. Suite 240. We have tons of reviews on Google and other third party review website from happy clients who have lost weight and kept it off.

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