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Weight Gain and Venous Disease

The holidays are over, and many Americans are noticing that their clothing is fitting just a bit tighter and that they are feeling a little bit listless. While studies show that the actual weight gained varies from just a pound to as high as ten depending on your body structure, a single pound can be as harmful as a 10-pound gain to a larger individual. After the holidays, the staff at Florida Vein Care Center sees an uptick in calls from people experiencing leg swelling, itchiness, achiness, pain, and a heavy feeling. Is there a correlation between the weight gain and the leg symptoms? There may indeed be, and it’s time to find out by researching an Orlando vein center.

Gaining weight and carrying extra weight can trigger many negative symptoms to occur in our bodies which, ultimately, result in significant health issues at any age. An increase in cholesterol levels, which can cause heart disease and an increased risk of stroke, are two of the biggest issues cause by increased weight. Obesity is often found to be the source of high blood pressure; another contributing factor to stroke and heart disease. Many folks are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after years of uncontrolled weight gain.

Florida Vein Care Center is concerned with a serious issue most people don’t think about. Weight gain and obesity can be the foundation for grave circulation issues and organ health throughout the body. The extra weight being supported on your frame causes damage to the valves in the vein walls, which can result in venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and blood clots.

Reflux is the term used to define the backflow of blood through leaky veins. Venous disease is nothing to take lightly. Symptoms of varicose veins can include swelling, itchiness, achiness, fatigue, skin ulcerations, and pain. As a consequence of varicose veins, people afflicted with them tend to avoid exercise and walking at all costs because of the pain experienced. It becomes quite a vicious circle. Diet alone will not help the weight come off.

When varicose veins are properly treated, the symptoms experienced can virtually disappear and the impetus to exercise should increase with the reduction in pain and swelling. A return to even moderate exercise will help to promote weight loss and increase your overall health. Please contact Florida Vein Care Center at 407-805-8989 if you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of varicose veins, or you can also browse the rest of our Orlando vein center website. Dr. Bragg and his staff are here to guide you on the road to better vein health.

Does Extra Weight Mean Extra Varicose and Spider Veins?

Does More Weight Cause More Varicose and Spider Veins?

diet-398613_1920Many that come into our Orlando vein center wonder if the extra weight they are carrying could have caused their varicose and spider veins, when, in fact, in the list of causes of varicose and spider veins, extra weight is very low on the list.

For women, hormones and genes are the two major contributing factors to varicose and spider veins. Extreme and extended surges of hormones during pregnancy seem to do the most damage to otherwise healthy veins. As the body prepares for labor and delivery, the hormone elastin increases to allow stretching of the pelvic connective tissue. Elastin is also found in the vein walls and therefore veins will get swollen and sore. Gravity causes the veins in the legs to be more affected. Multiple pregnancies produce more varicose veins then a single pregnancies, regardless of whether the pregnancy is brought to term.

Even in a non-pregnant female, monthly cycles during childbearing years can worsen varicose and spider veins. Hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills may also worsen vein size in a small way.

Genes are given by your parents and obviously cannot be changed. Therefore, if your mother, sisters, brothers, or distant relatives have had varicose or spider veins, then you are susceptible. This is usually why men get enlarged veins.

Extra body weight does not seem to have much effect on veins in my experience. Over the last 20 years, I have probably treated twice as many clients with ideal body weight to every one client with extra weight or obesity. Fat cells do hold on to estrogen which is probably the only way fat contributes to more leg veins as increased estrogen levels have a small effect on veins. Overall, this effect pales in comparison to the genetic and pregnancy risk.

If you are suffering from varicose or spider veins, please contact our Orlando vein center at 407-805-8989, or contact us online.

Weight Gain and Vein Disease

belly-2354_1280It should come as no surprise to anyone living in America that, despite our best efforts, many of us are packing on the pounds. The evidence really is indisputable and, for some, the battle is much harder than it is for others. Maintaining that “healthy” weight can be considered an unattainable goal.

Some immediately feel the impact of gaining a few pounds. They feel sluggish and notice that their clothes aren’t fitting quite right. These folks can usually pump up the exercise routine and reconfigure their diet, resulting in an easy shedding of the minor weight increase.

For others, gaining a few pounds may go unnoticed until they are 10-20 pounds or more above their ideal weight. Not only do they notice tighter clothing, but they may begin experiencing fatigue. Being overweight can begin a domino effect which can result in significant health issues at any age. Carrying extra poundage can increase cholesterol levels, which can cause heart disease and a higher risk of stroke. Obesity can also be a source of high blood pressure which is another contributing factor to stroke and heart disease. Diabetes is another complication of carrying additional weight.

The staff at Orlando vein center, Florida Vein Care, realizes what many folks don’t. Obesity and morbid obesity can be the foundation for serious circulation issues and organ health throughout the body. The extra weight being supported on your frame causes damage to the valves in the vein walls which can result in venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and blood clots. Reflux is the term used to define the backflow of blood through leaky veins.

Vein disease is nothing to take lightly. Symptoms of varicose veins include swelling, itchiness, achiness, fatigue, skin ulcerations, and pain. As a consequence of varicose veins, people afflicted with them tend to avoid exercise and walking at all costs because of the pain experienced. It becomes quite a vicious circle. Diet alone will not help the weight come off.

When varicose veins are properly treated, the symptoms experienced can virtually disappear and the impetus to exercise should increase with the reduction in pain and swelling. A return to even moderate exercise will help to promote weight loss and increase your overall health. Please contact Orlando vein center, Florida Vein Care, at 407-805-8989 if you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of venous disease. Dr. Bragg and his staff are here to guide you on the road to better vein health.

Fooducation: Diet and Nutrition App

It can be fairly difficult to keep on top of a healthy lifestyle, but the advent of digital technology has come a long way in assisting us in this regard. One such helpful tool is called Fooducate, and it is about to become the healthy man and woman’s best friend.



Fooducate is an app, and is available on the iTunes App Marketplace. The function of this particular app is to help health-conscious shoppers make better, healthier decisions pertaining to their purchases at their local market. But, how does this work?



Fooducate is absolutely stuffed with helpful features designed to help keep you in step with your diet. Some of the features that make Fooducate so invaluable include:

  • Barcode Scanner: Assuming your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch comes equipped with a camera, you can scan the barcode of a particular food item. This allows Fooducate to display the pros and cons of each item, its rating as defined by a strict guideline created by dieticians, and more. You can even search for healthier alternatives, allowing you to compare and contrast one brand/item from another. (If your apple product does not have a camera, you can simply enter the UPC by hand.)
  • Thorough Analysis: The information that Fooducate gleans upon reading a barcode is more than what you’ll find on the package. Not only will it inform you as to the health value of an item or brand, but it will also tell you all of the “hidden information” producers leave out from the printed nutritional value charts. Hidden information includes: Excessive sugar, tricky trans fats, additives and preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, controversial food colorings, and so on.
  • Professional Development: Fooducate has been designed by dieticians and concerned parents, all of whom have dedicated their lives to learning the ins and outs of nutrition. As such, you can use Fooducate without any fear of receiving bad data.



The cost of the Fooducate App depends upon which version you wish to download. There are both a Fooducate Free (free to download, obviously), as well as a Fooducate Plus ($3.99). The features are identical, but Fooducate Plus operates ad-free. If you can tolerate pop-up ads, go for the free version. In the end, regardless of your choice, you’ll still receive this vital information pertaining to over 200,000 unique products/brands.


Weight Management Programs: A Good New Year’s Resolution?

Weight Management Programs. We hear a lot about them, but are they really worth the time and money it takes to follow one to the letter? Better yet, are they worth joining as part of your New Year’s Resolution to lose weight?



Weight Management Programs can get a lot of undue flak, especially in the clinical field. The reason for this is because so many of the clinical weight loss programs only provide patients pills and heavy bills. Not so with Svelte MD.

You see, our program goes beyond simply popping a pill and calling it a day. While we do use medication as part of our program, we do so only as one step — it’s only one piece of a larger puzzle. Our specialists will keep track of your BMI, as well as your weight, and will develop meal plans, exercise routines, and more. The result is a wholly personal experience, and one that is designed to provide healthy, safe weight loss.



At the end of the day, weight loss programs are only as effective as you allow them to be. Even with a program like ours, if you do not dedicate yourself to changing the necessary problems you can control, no kind of regimen will help you lose weight.

Perhaps, when we get right down to it, you should make a different resolution for 2012…



This should be the communal resolution for all of us who need to manage our weight. It’s not enough to say we want to lose weight, or to enroll in a weight loss program. We need to truly want to lose weight. We need to want to lose weight more than we want that promotion, or a date with that cute guy at the gym.


Instead of making a resolution to join a weight loss program, make the resolution to want to lose weight. Get yourself mentally and emotionally prepared to do this. Once you’re ready to commit, follow the instructions on our homepage and let Svelte MD help you make good on your New Year’s resolution.

2012’s Top 10 Ways To Stay Svelte

Pretty soon we’ll be leaving 2011 behind. 2012 is on its way, and most of us would like to ring in the New Year in as best shape as possible. Whether you are planning ahead for 2013, or you’d simply like to remain thin and healthy for the upcoming year, we’ve got a list of the Top 10 Ways to Stay Svelte in 2012!



As most any one can tell you, Cardio is some of the best exercise our bodies can receive. Whether you’re planning on riding your bike instead of driving, walking around the neighborhood after dinner, or simply running for a few minutes on a treadmill, Cardio is the quickest means of keeping your weight in check.



Swimming pools aren’t just for kids in the summer time. If you want to find a great workout, look no further than your own back yard (or Recreation Center). Swimming pools provide for a myriad of ways to work out our bodies, from exercising the muscles in our arms and legs to providing one of the most intense cardiovascular work-outs around. Better yet, swimming is fun — what better way to inspire weight loss?



If you are looking for a way to get the whole family whipped into shape, look no further than… video games? While it might sound unrealistic, many video games are being developed that make fitness fun. Perhaps you won’t lose weight strictly by playing the copious games out there, you will have fun while training yourself to engage in more physical activities. With titles like Zumba, Wii Fit, and Dance Central families with any video game console can learn fun, addictive exercises for the whole family.


07) DIET

So you’re already exercising pretty regularly, but you don’t notice any changes? More than likely you should look to what you’re eating. Part of weight management is reconciling how much of something you eat, but many people often forget that what you eat matters most. The key to a healthy diet is to balance your diet, and to moderate your habits before they get out of control. You don’t have to stop eating Cupcakes altogether — just eat fewer, and less often.



Sodas are some of the worst things you can put into your body. Never mind what the sugar and carbonation do to our teeth, sodas are also the largest culprit when it comes to contributing to our empty fats and sugars. As the fat in sodas serves no health benefit it gets left in our stomachs — one of the most complained about problem areas. If you have a spare tire you are desperate to get rid of, put down the soda and have some water instead.



This is so well known I shouldn’t even have to mention it, but excuses always nullify this common-sense tip. I know most of us have jobs that make it difficult — or near impossible — to prepare healthy meals throughout the day. I doubt that this will change in 2012, so let’s start making a difference ourselves. Pre-prepare meals before heading off to work. This can be done each night before bed, and can consist of simple meals using simple ingredients.



Weight loss relies on persistence. You won’t get into shape over night, so stop expecting too much too soon. If you’re not seeing results as quickly as you’d like, don’t give up. Maybe even step up your routine slightly, and see if that makes any difference. Whatever you do, stay persistent.



Some of the best results are being achieved by people who join classes at their local gyms, or recreation centers. Programs such as Yoga, Zumba, and even dance classes are sweeping the nation in 2011. Given their popularity, as well as their results, expect this trend to grow in 2012.



Many of us exercise, but only when we can find the time. As hectic as life can be, it would do us well to create a regular exercise routine that we can stick with. Even if it’s something as simple as doing crunches while watching your favorite television show — whatever it is, stick with it.



We’re #1? Of course we are! At Svelte, our specialists will actually go so far as to help you stay on top of your weight. We do this by providing personally developed diet plans, exercise routines, as well as give you the necessary diet medications and encouragement necessary to stay in shape. We have programs for adults and teens, and we do what most other Weight Management Specialists don’t: We provide results.

Make an appoint to meet with us today. All you have to do is follow the instructions on our homepage, and you, too, can start of 2012 with promising results.

Transition: The Key To Staying Svelte

Why are commercial diet programs so successful in America today? At the risk of sounding a bit cynical here, I believe it is related to one simple factor: repeat business. The plain fact is, Americans are confronted everyday with sugar and unhealthy fats in abundant supply. We most likely hold the record for more “drive through” restaurants than any country on earth. But blaming our fast food industry isn’t really fair when you consider all the soda’s, ‘energy drinks’, and pre-packaged convenience foods we consume every year in our quest to “save time”. Let’s face it… We want it quick, we want it convenient, and we want it to taste great too.

Inside this instant gratification society, it’s no wonder when our jeans don’t button as easy as they once did, we’d want a quick fix to get back into them comfortably. So the market supplies a plethora of fast and easy weight loss systems; some even claiming you can have your cake and eat it too for Pete’s sake! Really? Billions of dollars are spent every year by hard working Americans who are looking to gain control of their health, or at the very least, their waist line.

Doctors across this country repeatedly advise their overweight and obese clients to lose weight in their quest for health. One medical statistic recognized by the general population who do visit a physician regularly is: “My doctor says if I lose 10% of my body weight, I won’t need blood pressure meds anymore.” Yet losing the 10% and keeping it off becomes very elusive for most Americans leaving them back at the drawing board again. More and more are considering surgery to re-size their stomach, thus leading to fullness and eventual subsequent weight loss. But is this a good idea? And if the lifestyle isn’t addressed, won’t we eventually stretch our stomachs back to extra large again anyway?

It is alarming to most in the medical community to realize the vast number of Americans willing to undergo surgery to combat obesity. What has happened here? And moreover, are we so inflexible and hopeless in our fixed lifestyle that surgery, once considered as a last resort, is now the only way to lose weight? As a nurse and someone in the community who is committed to decreasing health risks through lifestyle, I certainly hope not!

Like our mothers told us when we were children, “It’s time to take your medicine!” No one wants to but what if we did indeed take our medicine? At Svelte Medical Weight Management, we are not committed to lying to you that you can lose weight while enjoying your old unhealthy lifestyle. No, it’s all about lifestyle and it is time to face the music. So the first step is acknowledging the simple fact that we aren’t getting away with anything by being victims of an empty calorie, high carbohydrate, fat filled diet.

The good news is that we know how metabolism works, we have the tools to empower people to make that lifestyle change, and we have hundreds of clients who have maintained their Svelte figures to prove it. It’s all about our transitional step. Transition is the second step of the Svelte program where clients have achieved their healthy goal weight and are ready to transition off the rapid weight loss phase and make that all important lifestyle transformation. It’s exciting because most people don’t realize when they are heavy how amazing they will feel at their goal weight. They often make the mistake of thinking they will be on a diet forever and for some people, past thoughts start playing in their heads: “I can’t keep the weight off… it always comes back!” The fear is valid, but it is not real! Instead of choosing self-defeating thoughts like this, we encourage our clients to keep this in mind: A cinder block weighs 24 pounds. Wow! Just how many were you carrying around before you came to Svelte? You don’t want to go back there, you can most certainly maintain this weight, and we will teach you how. More importantly, we will be there for you when you go into step three of Svelte, the maintenance phase.

How does transition work? It begins with building on what our clients learned in step one (the rapid weight loss phase) about their metabolism and how food drives it. Most people who come to us, even our diabetic clients, have very little knowledge of how foods we eat impact our insulin levels which drive hunger. So the initial teaching is what we call “Svelte Savvy”. We warn our clients not be taken in by temptation of the American default diet. New habits have been created in our first step of rapid weight loss and plenty of old habits broken. It’s time to build on that and truly empower our clients to take charge of their health and lifestyle.

The transitional step includes introducing wonderful new food which our clients absolutely deserve and enjoy after working hard to reach their goal weight. But at the same time, it is important our clients are prepared at home, on the go, and at the restaurant table. Therefore we do a lot of training on eating foods in the right amount, order, and combination. For instance, it is critical to avoid high sugar foods early in the day or when you are really hungry. The idea “eat dessert first” is truly not a good idea because the insulin surge that accompanies that is not worth it. Our clients learn what foods are smart to reach for when they are hungry and they understand the impact insulin has on their appetite.

One of the other Svelte signature tools in transition is the journal. Many struggling with obesity simply have daily eating habits that are unhealthy. The Svelte transitional journal is a tool that empowers our clients to ‘catch’ these habits in action and replace them with new healthy habits that keep them at their goal weight. We have them look at their snacking habits, their “default diet” during the week, and any possible triggers that lead them to overeat. Eating is sometimes a very comforting habit especially during times of stress or depression. Because Svelte is a medical weight management system with physicians on staff, we are uniquely qualified to manage people experiencing the myriad of issues that lead to over eating and obesity.

Knowledge is power and at Svelte Medical Weight Management, we are committed to teaching our clients how to stay Svelte. Whenever I meet a client who is starting our rapid weight loss program for the second time, I can’t help but ask them if they did step two; transition.. Most of the time, they tell me no. Then I get to encourage them that transition is the most important step; “If you go through the transition phase, you won’t have to re-start the rapid weight loss phase.” It’s that simple and we’ve got clients who have maintained Svelte for years to prove it.

Weight Capsules: Do They REALLY Help You Lose Weight?

It’s almost time for Thanksgiving, which means most of us will be facing the pressure of keeping the pounds off while still enjoying our country’s second-most important holiday. If you’re like many of the patients we treat, your first reaction is probably to scramble to the nearest supplement retailer to invest in some diet pills. But, do these pills actually help people lose weight?



The most important question to ask is not whether diet pills will provide results; of course most do. The question should instead be: What happens once you stop taking the pills?

When it comes to losing weight, there’s more to it than simply burning through your fat using some pill. Keeping the weight off is much more important, and is a lot more difficult. You see, many diet pills do little more than diminish your appetite while speeding up your metabolism. While this does yield results it also causes your body to kick into overdrive once you stop taking the weight capsules. Your appetite will return with a vengeance, and your metabolism will normalize long before you know. This will result in expedited weight gain, and you’ll find yourself back at square one.



Let’s not beat around the bush: There is practically nothing that a pill can do for you that you cannot do better yourself. To achieve lasting, healthy weight loss it is important to remember that the responsibility rests squarely on your shoulders. To keep a desired build you have to exercise, watch what you eat (and how much of it), and beat the psychological barriers that want to stop you from succeeding.

At Svelte MD, we are specialized in helping our patients with every facet of maintaining weight loss. Our levels of success are due in part to the fact that we know what to look for in our patients, as well as how to counter any issues they might have.



Our weight control specialists do more for our patients than dish out pills. While weight loss medication is a part of our program, we go several steps further by tackling the bigger issues behind your weight problem. We take regular BMI (Body Mass Index) measurements, around which we build a regimen that is basically unique to each patient we see. We prescribe the aforementioned medication, as well as diet plans that fit each situation we face.

Better than anything else we provide, we also offer solid, medically sound advice on changing the poor lifestyle choices that lead to the issue of weight gain from the very start.


If you’re thinking of resorting to pills to stave off weight gain, reconsider. Navigate to our homepage and register for your first consultation at Svelte MD today.

Chasing Pounds: Running Towards Weight Gain

On the road to weight management, one of the most proven methods of achieving results is the reliable activity of running. This is not only good for keeping one’s weight in check, but it does wonders for the circulation as well. However, some people pay too much attention to the scale when running. This can create a problem that, on the surface, appears to make no sense.

Every one who runs (or exercises at all) might see a growth in their weight, but they take this information as an unsettling de-motivator that stops them dead in their tracks. The reason being that they have been told the act of running burns calories, and thus leads to weight loss. While this is true, they ignore the fact that running also increases weight.

Curious as to why this occurs? The answer, actually, is quite simple.


Good Weight Gain Vs. Bad Weight Gain

When keeping track of your weight, you should observe your progress under two different lights: Healthy Weight Gain, and Unhealthy Weight Gain. The two are very different forms of putting on weight, and one should always strive for the first alternative.

You see, Healthy Weight Gain includes any weight that is added to your body through the building of muscles. Activities such as running can lead to this kind of weight gain, as the physical activity is stimulating the muscles being worked. This stimulation causes the muscles to grow, and as a result causes them to add on pounds.

Unhealthy Weight Gain includes the creation and storing of fat — fat that doesn’t get burned because no physical activity is taking place. We accumulate this kind of weight by eating unhealthy foods that are high in fat or sugars, or in simply leading an inactive lifestyle.

Unhealthy Weight Gain is the enemy, and should be treated as such.


Keep Your Pace

If you find yourself “chasing the pounds” every time you go for a run, keep in mind that the weight you are gaining is more likely attributed to the muscles you are building. Just because your weight seems to have plateaued (or increased), do not become discouraged. The work you are doing is making a difference, but your scale cannot discern the reasons for your added pounds.

We suggest always visiting a weight management specialist, like those at Svelte MD. They are trained in measuring your BMI (Body Mass Index), which reveals the truth about the pounds you own. Through studying your body as a whole, not just the number attached to it, our specialists can tell how much of your weight is healthy (muscle), and how much is unhealthy (fat).

With this kind of knowledge, you can rest assured that your efforts are not in vain — and it may even spur you to step-up your routine.


In the end, the best thing to remember is that any physical activity that keeps your body fine-tuned and healthy is beneficial. Exercise such as running will cause weight gain — but in a good way. If you spend your time running but do not notice a decrease in your body-fat, we encourage you to visit Svelte MD to see how our specialists can assist you. Begin with a consultation, which you can sign up for on our home page!

Trimming the Fat on Weight Management Doctors

Weight Management Doctors come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and specialties. For every pitfall that comes with losing weight there is a specialist who can help you overcome them. While they all sit under the same umbrella, their roles and techniques can be as varied as their patients.



Bariatric Doctors

These specialists focus on solving high to severe obesity. They make up the surgical branch of the weight management field, and as such do not often perform procedures on patients who only suffer from low to moderate obesity.

Their services are mostly geared towards helping patients who are so obese that their condition actually gets in the way of their day-to-day lives. Patients of bariatric doctors are also more likely to be considered to be at high risk for extremely dangerous health disorders, such as Heart Disease or even Cancer. Surgery is often their only option before they are in good enough shape to start taking advantage of another method of weight management.


Nutritionists and Dietitians

These two specialists focus on the most basic elements of weight management. They specialize in educating patients on following nutritional diets that will promote weight loss in a safe, healthy manner. They tend to provide guidance to their patients, helping steer them towards making healthy lifestyle choices — acting almost like a coach, rather than a doctor.

Nutritionists and Dietitians do not provide any surgical help for their patients, unlike Bariatric Doctors. The extent of their medical interference can include the prescription of diet pills, vitamins, and other weight management medications. Their main appeal lies in their prescribing diet plans, exercise regimens, and providing behavioral counseling to help create and maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

Patients struggling with only light to moderate obesity should look into these two specialists when looking for professional weight management services.

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