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Make Cellulite a Thing of The Past

Cellulite, to some degree, plagues the legs of the majority of women today. Some of us are just beginning to show signs of cellulite, while others have a more extreme case. Regardless of what degree your cellulite may be, one thing we are all trying to figure out is how to get rid of it. We try medicines, supplements, creams and anything else we can get our hands on that might rid us of these annoying dimples.

Well, luckily for you, today we are going to share with you a few secrets for making cellulite a thing of your past. Continue reading “Make Cellulite a Thing of The Past”

How to Get Victoria’s Secret Model Legs

Varicose veins, spider veins, cellulite, jiggly thighs, it almost seems as if the forces of nature are working against your dreams of having killer legs. We wish for legs that we can be proud of at the beach, that make us want to get a tan and wear short shorts. But no one has legs like the models in real life anyway, right? Wrong!

Getting rid of varicose and spider veins is the easy part. By simply calling Florida Vein Care of Orlando and scheduling an appointment, you’ll be on your way to vein free legs. Getting rid of the jiggle and the dimples is the hard part. Continue reading “How to Get Victoria’s Secret Model Legs”

“Brushing” For Flawless Skin

Soft, smooth, and even skin is something we all want; especially during summer months when we are showing off our skin on a daily basis.

There are many techniques used today for achieving beautiful skin, but one of the most interesting to us is the brushing method.

Brushing is loved for many reasons: it feels like a massage, it encourages healthy circulation, it’s an excellent form of exfoliation, it has been said to improve the appearance of cellulite. Continue reading ““Brushing” For Flawless Skin”

5 Best Leg Toning Exercises

Thanks to Florida Vein Care and Cosmetic Center of Orlando, you can have your spider and varicose veins treated. No more embarrassing marks means it will be time to start showing off those legs again!

We are going to share with you a few of our absolute favorite, leg toning exercises. By implementing these exercises into your daily routine, you will be on your way to toned and fit legs you can be proud of when you decide to bust out a pair of shorts! Continue reading “5 Best Leg Toning Exercises”

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